Vomiting Seeds and Watery Dropping


Crazy Chicken Mom
6 Years
Aug 31, 2017
New Delhi India
Two of my pigeons showing up vomiting whole seeds and some poop from past 2 days and today they pooping clear watery poop anybody know what happened?

they are indoor pet pigeons they fly indoors eat all clean seeds and water (i change water daily)

so what cause this ? yes they both eating poop from last few days
Not sure what brought that on but if diarrhea/vomiting is the symptoms they have, you could try probiotics which could clear that up, and it can also help them resist/cure salmonella, E. coli, and yeast infections. They sell probiotics specifically for pigeons and similar birds so I'd look for that where you are. Someone else may know more about how to help but in the meantime, I'd think this could help. This article explains.
Not sure what brought that on but if diarrhea/vomiting is the symptoms they have, you could try probiotics which could clear that up, and it can also help them resist/cure salmonella, E. coli, and yeast infections. They sell probiotics specifically for pigeons and similar birds so I'd look for that where you are. Someone else may know more about how to help but in the meantime, I'd think this could help. This article explains.
you were right after researching and reading about pigeons i find out it was salmonella as their poop contains vast quantities of this and when they ingest it started to cause infection because here i trust no vets for pigeons or chickens
I prayed and give Baytril 10% oral solution mixed in water ( to make it lil easier to swallowed)

along with heavy power pre-probiotics and enzymes powder, Bcomplex
5 days course everything cleared up thankfully

sharing the dose here in case if anyone get help from this experience of mine

I find out that pigeons cannot digest their poop
hence they started to vomit also they prone to vomit over bitter taste ( meds also cause vomit no need to worry)
once all the poop comes out in vomit everything is under control only make sure your pigeon is not nubbing on any poop make it clean

i also find out that they eat poop when they are lack in probiotic in their gut so probiotic is very importantly involved in daily diet

some useful things —
giving good clean food
adding vitamins like bcomplex
vitamin B12 is very important for pigeons
dose must be accurate never give higher dose
baytril dose 20mg per pigeon
1-2 drop mix in water of 10% oral solution

tablet - 1/4 pc of one tablet 2x a day
1x a day probiotics & prebiotic
1x a day bcomplex

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