Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

Why do you have to tease me with that Lav/Wheatie cockerel??? I have loved your project from afar, now am thinking I can contribute to helping it along. Smack me!

Isn't he pretty!!!!!!!
Why do you have to tease me with that Lav/Wheatie cockerel??? I have loved your project from afar, now am thinking I can contribute to helping it along. Smack me!

Isn't he pretty!!!!!!!

If no one claims him, I will take him. Just let me know what I can do on my end to help you along. I'm pretty sure I get the jist of genetics and breeding in your program...let me know your ultimate goal and I'll do this on the side with you.
Isn't he pretty!!!!!!!

If no one claims him, I will take him. Just let me know what I can do on my end to help you along. I'm pretty sure I get the jist of genetics and breeding in your program...let me know your ultimate goal and I'll do this on the side with you.

Just looked over the attendee list. If something is incorrect, or you are coming and not on the list or not coming and are on the list, please let me know.

Looking at all the cool items and birds coming! Fun!
I finally got out to the chicken yard to take some pictures of what I have for sale/trade, I will post them later today, its a crazy day here. I am also going to bring 6+ light cornish game bird hatching eggs to auction. I may have some other things to include in the auction as well. My DD (6yrs old) is going to be coming along with me too (she's not included in the auction though)

Keep your fingers crossed for my broody. I think I see a pip! If she hatches out ANYTHING I won't have to hit y'all up for chicks at the party..

I'm not sure I'll have anything for the auction.. Still pondering. My eggs are most likely fertile (will check today), but I highly doubt there's much demand for mutt eggs - even with my utterly gorgeous EE roo.
Had hoped to have NN eggs, but seems as if it's not to be. But I'll buy tickets - I'm sure there's something I want!
I just got one chick and 3 more pips!!!
One of my EEs is out, and so cute, sleeps every few minutes. So hard to get a good pic thru the Brinsea's curved plastic top, though
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