Voted off the Island


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2020
So turns out that my quail Clarity is a male. So 2:2 ratio was going on and I didn’t even know. The guy that we bought him from told us that he was a girl after we had to get him because one of our quails died. The other boy looks more “fertile” which makes sense because we thought Clarity was a girl for so long. However, the girls look like they have chosen Clarity over Etienne (The other boy) and I don’t want to go against their wishes. We are thinking of trading one of the boys for 1-2 more girls to straighten the ratio. Thoughts?

You should definitely get more hens. The proper ratio for coturnix is one roo to three to five hens.

I hope you're not thinking of an actual trade of the extra roo for hens. There are always too many roos and it's unlikely you'll be able to find a home for him.

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