

12 Years
Aug 10, 2007
Redding, Ca.
I did search and read that they don't have very strong claws and only eat dead things. Thing is that there are maybe 12 of them roosting on my fence posts and flying around over the yard where the chickens are.

I did close the girls up in their run and mama already put her baby in the caged area I have for them.

Anyone think they will hurt them? I will let them out after a bit but didn't want to with them flying overhead. Man, those suckers are huge.
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I've only ever seen/heard of them bothering with dead animals. But, in the wonderful world of living organisms, there are always exceptions to the rules.

I've gotten to the point where I only let my chickies free-range when I'm right there with them.
So glad. They do have some moxie, lol. One of them, Hyacinthe just ran after my cat and actually nudged him in the behind. This is a huge cat.. pretty big chicken too, lol. She is a blue orp.
Here she is today just before going after the cat.


She is a beauty... No big bad vultures gonna get this one!!
Thank you. I posted pics of her under the pictures and stories of my chickens... I sensed that this is getting off topic so posted her there.
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The vulture flocks get pretty big where I live in the spring and winter and everytime one of my chickens/roosters/turkey sees one they will have a fit and make me come running out to the coop,but no vulture has ever tried to land by or attack my chickens.

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