Waddle and diarrhea - favourite hen!

You may not have given her enough calcium. Crush some up and sprinkle it on the feed, also dissolve some in her water. That is definitely the egg bound posture. If she doesn't pass it soon, she will die.

She was moulting the last month.....then her walk became more penguin like and yesterday she was having trouble walking.

She looks like she is not done molting to me, but her stance and poop reminds me of a hen that has an internal laying/reproductive disorder like Egg Yolk Peritonitis, ascites, Salpingitis, cancer or tumors.

It's possible that she may have a soft shell egg stuck higher up and is trying to pass it.
It won't hurt to provide her with extra calcium - you can give her 1Tums a day for a couple of days - I usually crush it and sprinkle it over chopped egg. Direct dosing her with a poultry vitamin like Poultry Nutri-Drench (1cc per 3lbs) is also a good idea.

Getting her hydrated is most important if you feel that she is trying to pass an egg, dehydration directly impacts egg laying.

Is her crop emptying overnight?
Yes her crop is emptying overnight. She is drinking a lot on her own, more than normal for sure. She is eating on her own as well but had definitely lost too much weight in the last month.
I will try giving her another Tums today. I have her in a very warm quiet room.
It is definitely not ascites as I have had to drain several hens before and am comfortable in identifying it. I wish it was because I know what to do in that case. She is not laboring to breathe either.
Did you ever figure out what the problem was? It sounds like I’m having the same exact issue right now. Took my hen to the vet about a week ago and there is no egg so she isn’t egg bound. She’s waddling and using her wings to stay upright although she still loses her balance every once in a while. Poopy butt. Hasn’t lost her appetite at all. Drinking lots of water and she is about 4 years old. The vet prescribed her some anti inflammatory medicine which I’ve been giving her every day as directed. I’m hoping maybe you figured something out that could help me with my little girl!

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