Waiting for eggs is so confusing


Aug 16, 2018
So we have a small flock of 5 pullets (for now;)) 2 buff orpingtons, 1 barred rock, 1 barnevelder, and 1 feed store “Ameraucana”
They are 22 weeks old, the EE is a couple weeks younger. Anyways I’ve been waiting for that first egg and I thought my barred rock would be the first, her comb and waddles have grown significantly within the last 2 weeks and gotten really red. No squatting though. The barnevelder is right behind her as far as comb and waddle development. THEN this morning I went into the run and one of the buff orpingtons did the squat!! :weeBut... her comb and waddles are very small. So now I’m definitely confused on who will lay the first egg. Will attach pics of the 2 in question here.
If you want to know how close each girl is to laying the first egg, measure the distance between their pelvic bones, the two protruding knobs on each side of the vent. If you can fit two fingers between them, you'll know which of them to expect a first egg from. Bones still close together indicate that pullet isn't quite ready yet.
Thanks! I’ll have to get out there and start measuring them.

And thank you sue! I’ll def post when I get the first one, I got and check the boxes several times a day hoping I’ll find that little treasure :lau
Here's hoping it's soon as I suspect you're looking over your shoulder at all the tasks piling up begging for your attention. Let me just say that the daily collection of fresh-laid eggs never loses its thrill.
My last one to lay was a buff orp, and she is almost 28 weeks. I didn't think she was ready either, as her comb and wattles were not nearly as big as the others, and she never did do the squat.

Hope you have eggs soon!
well that’s good news! but yeah I could’ve sworn both of my buffs were a long way off just according to the combs and waddles but I’m really excited now :woot

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