Waiting for my blue orpingtons


In the Brooder
Oct 21, 2015
Got my brooder warmed up just waiting on my birthday blues (blue orpingtons) got 11 chicks coming 10 blue orpingtons,1 jubelee orpington male. Will be looking for jubelee pullet in fall to go with male. Mine are coming from meyer hatchery.
Mine hatch tomorrow at Meyer hatchery they'll be here Tuesday or Wednesday.so excited!

I got 2 Rhode Island Reds, 4 New Hampshire Reds, 4 White Cochin's, 3 Silver Penciled Wyandottes, 2 Blue Red Wyandottes.
Mine hatch tomorrow at Meyer hatchery they'll be here Tuesday or Wednesday.so excited!:thumbsup  
I got 2 Rhode Island Reds, 4 New Hampshire Reds, 4 White Cochin's, 3 Silver Penciled Wyandottes, 2 Blue Red Wyandottes.

GOT MINE FROM MEYER TOO!! MINE hatch and ship April 11th which isn't this Monday (tomorrow) but the next monday'!!♡♡ I ordered mine in January. Talk about a long wait! I have 1 suprise breed Female, 7 Female Barred Rocks,1 Golden Cuckoo Maran Female and 1 Female Silver Penciled Rock for a total of 10. I will say a little prayer for your chicks journey and if you would say one for mine! post lots of pictures! I can't wait to see them :)♡♡
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Picked up my 8 chicks from post office this morn. 3 jubelee an 5 sweedish flower hens 3 pullets 2 cockerals.due to low hatch meyer had to change order so i selected sweedish fowl
I'm currently waiting on 7 chicks from mypetchicken.com. One Rhode Island Red, one jersey giant, one barred rock, two Easter eggers, and two buff orpingtons. I can't wait to add them to my other 6 chickens. To have one giant mixed flock of chickens. Their supposed to hatch April 13. Has anybody got any reviews about their website.

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