Waiting in line for the nest box (pix)


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
I have only four chickens, and a very small coop, with one nest box, but the girls are very patient.

you'll probably hear them clucking at each other as in (hurry up I can't hold it much longer)
I am very blessed with pretty hens. The Orpingtons are bright gold in the sunshine. And the Barred Rocks have a slight green tinge in the black of their feathers when they are in the sun. So far they are very healthy and happy.
I have 11 hens right now and while I have plenty of nest boxes, they all want to lay in the same two. Sometimes my hens double up-today I had a silkie and a barred rock in the same nest. They never-I repeat NEVER wait as patiently as the ladies in the picture above! They stand around & cuss at each other. They get loud, too. I dare not translate for you. It's not fit for polite company, let me tell you!
Beautiful girls!!!

There may be another explanation here . . .

I have one girl who likes to watch.

It drives the other one nuts because she gets left alone while one is laying and one is watching. I always know when Penny is in the nest box because Ruthie is making a racket!
cute pic. i have 19 girls that share one coop. there are 10 nest boxes in there but they refuse to use them all. oh no! they have 3 nest boxes that they use. if they are occupied, the other girls will pace the house until it is empty and then they fight over who is getting in next. it is so funny to watch.

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