Waiting on ducklings!

@Schfam how's the duckling?
@Miss Lydia Thank you so much for checking in. I truly appreciate it. And for all of your help. She passed overnight 😢 we knew she was going to and just tried to keep her comfortable. Her sister is lonely now. We put a mirror in the brooder and a stuffy which she’s been cuddling with. So now the question is, do we wait for the hatchery to send replacement? TSC had some ducklings yesterday, not Pekin. I think they were khaki Campbell. Do I take a gamble and get one there (we need hens) so that this one is not alone? There’s a local guy that rescues and apparently breeds I could reach out to but again I’m not sure if they will be sexed. Trying to figure out the best way to handle this. Kicking myself for not getting 3 but I was hopeful!
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I am so sorry. :hugs

I'd contact the hatchery that way they will send 2 and you can ask for females. Your taking a gamble going to TSC or a breeder unless they know how to sex.
The duckling seems pretty content with the bunny. I think as long as it can see it self[mirror] and has the bunny to cuddle with and of course ya'll it would be fine until the ducklings arrived.
Of course the end decision is up to you.
@Miss Lydia Thank you! I’m leaning that way for those reasons. I’m just concerned about how soon the hatchery can send replacements. On the website it says the next shipment date is Sept 18. If that is true, will the age difference between ducklings be problematic? I’m assuming they can’t send a duckling the same age as mine because of food and water needs? But if we get a male we can’t keep, there’s another heartache for my son (and the rest of us truly, but especially my son) ugh. I will contact the breeder and just see what he says. The farmer that recommended him to me says he’s an honest guy so it’s worth a shot to at least call and see what he has to say.
I agree give the guy a call to explain what happened and that you def need females. That is why I ordered I have 3 Runner drakes and one Muscovy drake, believe me I don't need any more drakes either.
Hopefully he'll have ducklings.
But if not and you have to go by way of the hatchery we can help you figure out a way to get them together but separated until the newest littles are up on their feet good.

@cheezenkwackers has been through this this summer and has pictures of how she set up her brooder to have an older and young duckling together. It worked great.
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I'm so happy for you that they are sending 2. I don't think it will take much to integrate them with the little one you have now. I was hoping @cheezenkwackers would post pictures of her setup since I didn't make pics of mine but this is what I did. I used 2 Xlarge dog crate tie wrapped together to make a huge brooder. I used old window screens over the top. But I had 2 ducklings that were 2 weeks old and had 2 hatch after that so I put the 2 older ones on one side and placed a piece of hardware cloth wrapped in tape to cover the sharp edges I placed it in the crate and then put the 2 new hatchlings on the other side. This way they shared the heat lamp since I only had one heat plate. But this worked great It gave the older 2 time to get used to the 2 new ones and gave the 2 new ones a chance to get their legs under themselves, I waited till they were a few days old before I tried them together first the older 2 were a little pushy but after another few days the younger were sleeping on top of the older ones and they were always together after that.

My Little Runners shipped today and should be here Wednesday.
I'm so happy for you that they are sending 2. I don't think it will take much to integrate them with the little one you have now. I was hoping @cheezenkwackers would post pictures of her setup since I didn't make pics of mine but this is what I did. I used 2 Xlarge dog crate tie wrapped together to make a huge brooder. I used old window screens over the top. But I had 2 ducklings that were 2 weeks old and had 2 hatch after that so I put the 2 older ones on one side and placed a piece of hardware cloth wrapped in tape to cover the sharp edges I placed it in the crate and then put the 2 new hatchlings on the other side. This way they shared the heat lamp since I only had one heat plate. But this worked great It gave the older 2 time to get used to the 2 new ones and gave the 2 new ones a chance to get their legs under themselves, I waited till they were a few days old before I tried them together first the older 2 were a little pushy but after another few days the younger were sleeping on top of the older ones and they were always together after that.

My Little Runners shipped today and should be here Wednesday.
Sorry, I had out-of-town company. Here you go:

I'm so happy for you that they are sending 2. I don't think it will take much to integrate them with the little one you have now. I was hoping @cheezenkwackers would post pictures of her setup since I didn't make pics of mine but this is what I did. I used 2 Xlarge dog crate tie wrapped together to make a huge brooder. I used old window screens over the top. But I had 2 ducklings that were 2 weeks old and had 2 hatch after that so I put the 2 older ones on one side and placed a piece of hardware cloth wrapped in tape to cover the sharp edges I placed it in the crate and then put the 2 new hatchlings on the other side. This way they shared the heat lamp since I only had one heat plate. But this worked great It gave the older 2 time to get used to the 2 new ones and gave the 2 new ones a chance to get their legs under themselves, I waited till they were a few days old before I tried them together first the older 2 were a little pushy but after another few days the younger were sleeping on top of the older ones and they were always together after that.

My Little Runners shipped today and should be here Wednesday.
Hi! Did you get your ducklings? How are they doing? I think you said you were getting them from Metzer. Apparently that’s where my pekins are coming from even though I ordered through McMurray. I had to argue to not pay the small order shipping fee for my replacement since only one died and they have to ship two 🤪 @Miss Lydia

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