Walking on full leg and not feet


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 16, 2009
Larroque-St-Sernin, France
We have a 5 month old cock that was fine until this evening when he could not walk normally to the hen house. He will take 2-3 steps and stop and sit. Not on his feet but the on the whole leg...kind of squat walking. No obvious signs of any injury and his feet appear normal, his comb is bright, as are his eyes. This was the runt of the litter and his siblings always watched out for him. Could this be an illness? Stress of some sort? We've isolated him (he seemed ravenous when we put food in the cage) and will see how he goes.

Just wondered if anyone has had a similar problem?

Ken and Angela
No...none of our chickens are vacintaed. We have had very little problems and have successfully treated any that do arise.

Thanks for the replies. He looks healthy still this morning. We're keeping him isolated and will see what happens!

i have the same problem too!! i give them vitamin everyday but my chick, poka, begins to have this problem recently. so i dun think its vitamin deficiency. btw, mine is only 7 weeks old. do u think i should give her antibiotics? at least can prevent some harmful bacteria, right?
i have the same problem too!! i give them vitamin everyday but my chick, poka, begins to have this problem recently. so i dun think its vitamin deficiency. btw, mine is only 7 weeks old. do u think i should give her antibiotics? at least can prevent some harmful bacteria, right?
If it's MD, then antibiotics is useless. I would like to suggest you to find out what happend to them, and treat them respectively.
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