Wallaby on Craigslist

would think you'd have to have a permit or something....that's weird.
I dont know how legal it is but agree there would have to be some sort of permit involved?
Poor thing.
We had someone just down the road that had wallaby's and have seen someone at a swap meet carry around a baby. Surprisingly, I don't believe there were permits required.
I was driving down a back road in WV ... when I was about 18. There was a bunch of us in the car and we were up to things we probably shouldn't of been
Anyway, I saw something out of the corner of my eye and hit the brakes. It was a freakin kangaroo!!! hopped out in the road and starting truckin it south
then darted up into a field. The thing was fast!

Im sure like big cats, monkeys and other things.. people aren't supposed to have them but they do. Maybe they have a permit of some sort.

I think that kangaroo was an escapee and always wondered what happened to it.

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