Walmart is disgusting

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I have not checked into it but I wonder if Walmart owns their medical carrier. I used to work for a company that did. It was the worst insurance I have ever had.
No unfortunately they really can't. If they do it for this person then everyone else will want thier part. The company has a policy and she signed the contract which is legal and binding. The situation sucks big time but Wal-Mart, other than waiting entirely too long is not in the wrong. Oh and I still hate Wal-Mart.
I hate walmart. I wanted to work there but I had so many emplyee's saying other jobs are much better. I am helping my friend with his deck building job and he said the salary will be better than walmart. I think I will take that
I bet her attorney collected his 1/3 from her settlement!

People always want to bash Walmart [or any other company or individual that's successful] but Walmart does a lot of good. They give huge amounts of money to charities, especially local ones. I work for a Mental Health Rehabilitation Agency. Several of our clients are employed at the local Walmart and they are more flexible and supportive than any other local employer. Most of the so-called "Mom & Pop" businesses won't even consider hiring our people. Another important point is that because of their low mark up-high volume approach to retailing they save the average low & middle income household 2-3K per year.
I don't own any Walmart stock, noone in my family has ever worked there but it's where I do most of my shopping & I will continue to do so-if for no other reason than that's where I get the most bang for my buck.
Is this story sad-yes, in the way it's slanted anyway. However, anyone with any sense of how things are in the real world knows you can't collect twice for the same injury. That's known as double dipping. If Walmart did anything wrong here in a real sense these people would be suing not complaining.
Not to defend Walmart as a company, but this is a bad case to smear Walmart with.

1) lawyers (who collected $600,000 of the $1,000,000) should be disbarred. Actually should be tarred and feathered and made to lose all. Why didn't the article state their names and addresses?

2) If woman is mentally incapable which article states, where were her guardians??? They should be stripped of their responsibilities, they are criminal.

3) Why should any place of employment be held responsible for your or my bad decisions?
I am going to close this thread on the basis of rule number 3:

3. No Flaming (verbally attacking people or groups of people - e.g. a profession, an organization, a company.)

Thank you for your understanding.
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