wanna be chicken owner here:)


8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
I have thought about keeping chickens for the last couple of years and I am just now
trying to learn all I can about it. I am hoping I will get some good info on coops and breeds
and keeping them healthy. I live in Maryland with my Husband 2 Rottweilers 2 Lhasa apso's and 27
saltwater fish I keep Reef Tanks Seahorses, coral etc...
nice to meet you all.
. Welcome, I am not from Maryland, but look in coop section, lots of ideas with some materials list. Great to research before you get birds, love to say build first buy chicks second but even with lots of forethought I bought birds first then built. Would have been smarter to do opposite however, buying chicks was the drive to finally build the shed for them, so, good luck!
Thanks guys, I have been getting to know the site and looking for people in my area
so far so good there seems to be several people near me I am hoping to maybe get to know
them and maybe visit them so I can see hands on how its done etc...
thank you for the warm welcome:)

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