Wanna see the BIGGEST egg ever? - Updated!

Yowza! And I thought the 3 oz-er I got the other day was ginormous! Poor hen. Wouldn't blame her if she took a day or two off after that one.
Wow! That thing is HUGE! It looks like a goose layed it! Maybe a small ostrich! lol
Alrighty, here it is!! The inside of the egg!! (and a note, I cracked it, not blew it. I wanted a nice perfect looking interior - But I still kept the egg shell(s) )


It was a double yolker. Nope, no triple yolks, no egg-in-an-egg, just a normal double yolker. . . I went around to look for any Marans hen with an abnormal rear, and everyone seems fine. Gosh I hope this isn't the first or second egg the pullet laid.

But I honestly think most of the six ounces came from the shell itself. Of all my huge eggs I've had, most had thin, brittle shells. This one was a tough baby to crack!
I came home after being away for 7 days and found about 4 or 5 HUGE eggs in my frig! My DH and DS's have been picking up the eggs and taking care of the girls for me. I weighed the big ones and they were off the the scale! I need to find another scale that goes higher than the one I have.

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