Want a couple more swaps before the weather gets to hot.


13 Years
Apr 18, 2007
I have been watching the swap chains and there have been nothing that I just have to have.

I would like to do a few more swaps so here's what I have

Golden Cascade Ducks (Pure)- could do 6 eggs

Barnevelders - could do 6 eggs Pending

B/B/S Orpingtons - I have put most of the Black, Blue, & Splash Orpingtons back together. I have some of the nicest Blue & Black hens in special breeding projects so no eggs from them. The eggs would be from the general population pen but still pure breed Orpingtons and still very nice Orpingtons. I can do 6-12 eggs from this pen.

Guinea eggs(Purple, Lavender, Pearl, Coral Blue, White, one Sky Blue, & one voilet). They all run together. - could do 12+ eggs

Turkey eggs - Bronze and Slates have broken out of their coops and intermingled with each other so these eggs could be pure or mixed. The White Holland and Bourbon are still separated. The turkeys are trying to go broody so I could only do six-eight turkey eggs. If you don't want any of the possible mixed then I could do just Bourbon & White. Pending

Tell me what you would like of my eggs and what you have to swap. I am looking for pure breed large fowl chickens, new blood for the guineas or turkeys. I would also be interested in other items besides eggs such as books, pot holders, home made items, bulbs, plants, etc. I will pay shipping to ship the eggs and you will pay shipping on whatever you ship me. I hate to have to post this but if you don't plan on holding up your end of the bargain please don't even post on this thread.

Let me know what you have and what you want. I will post taken on the eggs when a swap has been accepted. Have fun.
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Woot!!! I'm ready for another road trip if you have some more turkey eggs you want to get rid of. I'd also like to try some of your Orps. I don't have any purebred eggs right now to swap. I have lots of books though depending on what you're looking for, I could give you and IOU for garden produce, house plants, a beautiful musical carousel, or kids.....I have lots of kids!
I have bulbs..amaryllis, african crocosmia, day lillies, and blue iris.

I can make custom chicken saddles.

I make blankets, quilts, purses, boutique hair bows (for little girls not chickies)

We have really cool driftwood pieces.

We have home made grapevine wreaths (big fat ones, not skinny)

I also have eggs but not any available for a week (other orders) Domineques and RIRs.

I would be interested in Barnevelder, Turkey, or a mix of both eggs.
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How did the last turkey eggs do? Wow, turkey eggs for kids. Pretty tempted.
We can swap and don't have to worry about shipping. I am sure we can work out something. I like mostly cookbooks, craft books, poulty books and a good novel if I can ever find a nice sandy beach to rest on for a couple of hours. A beautiful musical carousel sounds tempting also.


Wow. What a choice. Any pictures of your custom made items? They all sound so lovely.
Oh, my aunt just sent me a whole BOX full of cookbooks!!! She collected a bunch of church cookbooks from various areas that she lives and vacations in and for some reason she figured I needed them now that she's trying to downsize a little. If you like church cookbooks I can definitely work a trade. I also have a couple of craft books that I will never, ever use as I don't have a crafty or artsy bone in my body.
The eggs I got from you are just going into the hatcher and are due to hatch on Wednesday or Thursday. Can't wait!!!
Basically, I just want to come down and play with your dog again. Such a good puppy.

I have 18 plus turkey eggs right now. I just set more in my incubator today. Could you pick up tomorrow? I am sure we can work something out.

Now sure if you will want to play with KoKo with all the rain and mud she is not a nice White Pyr currently. I will actually be able to talk to you this trip since I have regained my voice.

PM me and we can exchange info.


I am sure we can work something out. Farmerlor is coming to pick up turkey eggs tomorrow but I should have some more in a few days.

I will post Barnevelders and Turkeys as pending. I would be interested in chicken saddles, any of the bulbs, or Domineques eggs.

Still have guinea eggs, B/B/S Orpingtons, & Golden Cascade Duck eggs.
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