want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter

Thanks for the tip. I have 13 hens and geting mabe 4 eggs a day. I let you how it works. What food is it best to mix it with? Thanks
I have been putting pepper in my girls feed for about 2 years now and it does work. I have no set amount, I just add what I think is enough to the feed. I just sprikle it on top of the feed. I put vinager and a glove garlic in their water about once a week. Do NOT put this in a metal waterer, it will poison your birds, use plastic or rubber bowls, ONLY. It helps to keep their sinus' clear and also helps to keep lice and mites off of them. I do not have heat or have lights in my coop, nor is their water heated.

I have fed my birds cabbage and onions and never tasted anything different in their eggs. They wont eat the onions. I have been told that cabbage will make the girls infertile, I dont know if that is true or not. Never did a test to see. I have fed all of my birds stuff we have gotten out of dumpsters from the grocery store, meats, cheese, milk, cakes, pies, fruits, veggies, breads, you name it. I have never noticed any different taste in the eggs. Some of the meats I cook and some I give to them raw, like hamburg. I havent had any birds get sick or kill over from being fed any of this stuff. It helps on the feed bill, we go thru 1300 lbs in a month, plus they get lots of vitamins and minerals from this stuff and they LOVE it, when they see me coming with a box of this stuff, they are knocking eachother over to get to me frist, flying up on me, they go nuts over it all.

I hope that all was of some help to you all.................
This is an interesting bit of research on Capsaicin in laying hens. The investigators were seeing if there was an activity(s) in Capsaicin that would impact body fat (lower it), but they also examined egg shell/egg quality/laying along the way. This might only pertain to Leghorns of a certain strain (line) and age (research subjects).

Ground peppers from this family do provide vitamins.

Thanks for posting this link. I always like to read about studies relating to what we hear online. This one sort of repudiated all our guesses on why cayenne pepper might , increase egg-laying. So if it works, we take it as a great mystery of life and if it doesn't, we've only lost a small jar of cayenne pepper!

Now if we could just find a good research study on the great ACV theory......
Yes It does work. I have been telling alot of people here the same thing. My granny used to do it all my life. She just baked it into a pan of cornbread. Like you would eat but add 1 tbl sp. of cayenne. Kinda a treat for them aswell.

Good luck and God Bless!
Actually, one can't actually say that the study debunked it. They were testing for something else entirely and all their hens started out laying. Our working hypothesis has never been that it makes hens produce MORE, just that it jump starts them into laying AGAIN.

Not saying that it works, just that the study doesn't repudiate the claims.

Though it was an interesting read ... thanks for posting.

So I tried the pepper last week. I went from 2-3 eggs a day to a whopping six yesterday and today (out of 12 hens, not all of whom are laying yet). On the other hand, the days are getting longer and warmer, and the sun has been shining. So one can't tell from my "study" either.

I think somebody with a couple of pens needs to do a controlled experiment. Any volunteers?

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