Want to hatch along? My first incubation :0) Lockdown tomorrow 9-3-11

it's getting exciting.... 5 have hatched and 4 more have pipped. no sign as yet from the last 7 but it is a day early. all the hatched ones are pekins
Congratulations on your hatches, they are so cute.
I am still waiting and nothing at all is happening as yet, late tonight will be the start of day 23, how long to wait before i do some thing?
I saw one of my eggs movin around a little bit and so I put my ear up to the incubator and i can hear movement and I even heard a little cheep!! wow so awesome, no pips as of yet but at least I know they're still alive and workin on it!! So amazing! this is my first hatch so this is all sooo exciting!
does anyone know if being able to here cheeps means that its going to be fairly soon, like in the next few hours?
Hi, as ya'll know this is my first time and as of yesterday I was convinced my eggs were infertile. Well today I thought I heard my dog crying outside. I went to get him and realized it was coming from the wrong direction. There was a fuzzy butt in the bator lying on its back screaming just as loud as it could. LOL!!!!!!!!
It was so cute!!!!!!

I am sure glad I decided to let it keep running even though I had given up hope. So we have named fuzzy butt Lucky. It is lucky I didn't turn off the bator. I wonder if we will get anymore. I guess I will sit back and wait.

Congrats on everyones babies so far.
9 cuties so far..... 3 of the pekins and 4 L/F still to go. we are on day 20.
off to bed now
OMG YAY!!! how excitng for you!!! congrats!! even if you only get that one lil guy it will be worth it! woooo!
I know, I can't even explain how excited I am. I do hope at least one more decides to pop out so this little guy won't be alone but, I am absolutely thrilled that I actually got a fuzzy butt. I really thought they were all infertile and have been considering tossing them. I think I will give it a day or two more.


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