Want to keep my rooster advice


7 Years
Jun 3, 2016
So my question is this, I have a 14 week old Polish rooster, and I could appeal to my town to keep him, but if he starts crowing, I’m sure my neighbors would be upset and I understand. As of this time, he is not crowing, he is very submissive, And I have someone interested who could take him in January. However, ideally, I would hang onto him. I’m sure I’m already answering my own question, but what would you do? Would you give him to the home now even though he’s not crowing yet? Or would you hang onto him to see if and when he starts crowing and just hope you can find a home for him at that point quickly? I want to do right by him, and I do think this woman is a great fit, but I hand raised him from a baby, and I would be so sad to see him go. again, I guess my question is, do I give him to her in January, even though he’s not crowing yet, or wait till he crows and hope I can find a home then?
We had a rooster for years in a no rooster environment. He was our first chicken, we got him as a cockerel. Hayden took the cockerel from house to house, explaining that someone had given him to DD and would they have a problem with us keeping him.
Everyone said they had no problem and so we bought him hens. And we shared the eggs. The eggs and DD's homemade brownies were our welcome to the neighborhood gifts when new people moved in on our block or behind us.
Finally someone moved in down the block and I missed it. They reported us and we were lucky to kind a man in the city my SIL lived in to take him in. We were given 15 days to find him a home.
All this to say, perhaps you could ask your neighbors if he would be okay with them when he starts crowing and if it becomes a problem, that they come speak to you, instead of reporting you, So you can re-home him. Just a thought. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :hugs

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