Wanted: Bantam Faverolles


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Grenada, MS
I am looking to get some bantam faverolles. I would prefer chicks, but might consider hatching eggs. If you sell them or know of someone who does, please let me know. Will buy or we can trade if you are interested.


Marie Martin
Mine are not laying good right now and I have several people waiting for them.
Contact jimnjay (Jaynie) I know hers are laying and she has beautiful salmons.
If you are interested in the blue salmon faverolles, contact Sharirs32 (Shari)
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Thanks Christi, I got my original ones from Jaynie. I was really hoping to find someone that sold chicks because I am not good at the incubating. I have a few of Jaynies in the bator right now but like I said, I don't usually have great luck with hatching eggs in the bator. I do great with my own eggs but not shipped eggs. I managed to get two pullets to hatch from jaynie but one died so now I am down to one. I may have to wait till another silkie goes broody and try to get eggs. But I will keep looking in the meantime. I can't believe none of the hatcheries sell bantam faverolles. I emailed rose and she does not have any available right now. So I will keep looking. Can you put me on your list for eggs in the meantime and maybe I will get a broody and your girls will start laying more soon. Thanks.


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