Wanted Blue orps and BLRW hatching eggs or chicks in GA

They don't ship well for some reason. I bought some from Stacey (BlissChick) and they were all fertile, but only one hatched. I'd see if she has any because if I remember right, she's shipping now. Her birds are beautiful.
Yes that is one I hatched from Lisa...isn't it adorable!!
It will be going in my silkie coop.
I want to thank every one that read this thread and offered me assistance.
I have had several people send me a PM as well as answered on the thread.
I have 10 BLRW eggs in the bator as well as possibly spliting an ordering chicks.
I have Blue orp eggs coming in April.
This has been wonderful for me!!!
I have not really asked for help on BYC, mostly just read other's threads and made a comment here and there, but the response I received has really impressed me.
I love my chickens and I love BYC!
I have chosen the BLRW and Blue orps as my breed of choice because I just love the coloring. That soft powder blue color is so beautiful.
I have my original flock which includes buff orps and SLW and just love their size and personality.
Thanks again for your help and support!
I am so happy you found what you wanted! Good luck on the hatches!
My first BLRWs are just getting to laying age, but they are the tamest chickens I've ever had. My first blue orps are almost a month and so far they're sweet little chicks. Good choices!!

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