Wanted feed back on raising Quail

What would you recommend I grow that would fit their diet needs? I know quinoa is used as a protein supplement for people but I honestly don't know what grains would be ideal for them and as far as protein what would I mix in besides egg shells?
To be honest, I've never grown my own grain for consumption by my birds. I have a local mill make my feed and have them add other things to the feed. Most quail in the wild don't have access to grains for their major source of protein. Usual fair for wild quail are various grass seeds, insects and forbes.
If your really wanting to grow your own feed (grains) I would look into Triticale, a hybeid Wheat and Rye plant. Amaranth, Barley, Proso millet and Sorghum. None of the grains have a readable amount of absorbable protein. You would be better off with fish meal as a source of protein.
All grains are like candy to the quail. They like it but not really good for them as the only source of protein. Mealworms are high in protein but also high fat content. A high fat diet isn't good for birds, just the same as for humans. Some people also raise black fly larvae for an alternate source of protein.
I don't know but I would think that raising/producing enough of the various grains would not be cost effective in the long run and would be better to just buy a high quality commercial feed or have it milled to your specifications. HTH
Well i think I'm going to plant some rye grass sorghum oats or buckwheat and strawberries depending on space maybe more But I want to plant in inside their cage so they can forage alongside with regular feed like your talking about qnd crushed oyster shells would this be sufficient

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