wanted high flyer or tipler, that typ of pigon


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 25, 2012
the grandson want to tri flying tipplers or high flyer's.We have oreintal rollers and homer.if any one could help us out we would sur appreated.
we are still looking for high flyer,sky cutters and tippler that typ of birds.
Hi, I am Professor Shahid, I have amazing high flyer pigeons, fullness in every character, looking nice very beautiful and loyal to the loft.
note you can see on youtube pigeon of Professor Shahid. can call 0092 324 9612412

I very much love pigeon and high much know about the basic instruments and buttons of all types and styles of pigeons in the world and working on secret parts of pigeons which is still undisclosed for most pigeon lovers but someone knows some of secret associated on different places on the body of pigeons that buttons and instruments of pigeons have secrets of pigeon philosophy anyway, doesn't matter it is a homer, High flyer, Tumbler, Tippler, fancier so on. I know some more about the secrets of pigeonology.

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