Wanted: Maran's


12 Years
Feb 27, 2010
Miami, Florida
I would like a Black Copper Maran's chicks or fertile eggs
but I dont want to be so picky becouse im just starting to start my Maran
flock so anyone whilling to donate a Maran old or New as long as it can produce all will be greatfully wellcomed!
I live in Miami, FL.

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I have checked and their was one person. But I sent him a message about his Marans and he has'nt writen me back! But im still hoping!

I just ordered some Maran Hatching eggs from My Pet Chicken! I'm Sooooo Excited!!!!
I Know what you mean Derrick has generouslly offered me some of the left over Marans that he's not going to keep! He said that they are going to be hatching in about 2 weeks! Perfect timing becouse thats around the time I will be heading up their to orlando!!!!! SO EXCITED!

I just ordered some Maran Hatching eggs from My Pet Chicken! I'm Sooooo Excited!!!!
I have a trio that aren't quite laying yet that I hatched from eggs that I trade a local guy for some of my SS chicks. Since they haven't started laying yet, I don't know how their egg color qualit will be, but I'll sell 6 eggs for $10 plus shipping if you're interested when they start laying. Just PM me and let me know.
We are getting eggs from our BCM's now - They are a Wade Jean/ Bayhorsebayone cross. Shell color has been very nice. There is about a 2 week waiting list right now. Here is a picture of the eggs from our last Ebay auction.


And here is an egg pic from earlier this year.


The people getting the eggs seem to be impressed by the shell color, here are some of their comments from Ebay

Very dark eggs; shipped 8 with none broken

Beautiful DARK Marans eggs… A++++++ Packing

Great Packaging, Wrapped nicley, Super coloring, You should be proud!


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