Wanted: Pullet chicks in the NYC area


11 Years
Dec 17, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I'm looking to have 3 hens (I'd like to start with chicks) in Brooklyn, NY. Roosters are not legal in NY so they MUST be female as I have no way to get rid of roosters.

I'm hoping for easter eggers or at least brown layers.
Hello bcalnyc,
I will have three chicks soon. Two are Brahma bantams and one is Buff Orpington standard size. Only females. I have not received them yet. They ship out from the hatchery today! I ordered a few more than we can house, because of the recommendations for shipping. And I have been looking for someone interested in taking just a few. I live in Northern Westchester, near Mount Kisco. If you can come and pick them up that would be great. I might be able to arrange transportation in to midtown, New York City, when the chicks are a little bigger. Please let me know if you are interested.
I also PMd you.

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