Wanted to confirm gender before rehoming

I think girl still. The feathers look shaped like a female chickens so I would hold off on the rehoming.
No way!! Yay this made my day. Now I'm questioning the other one lol what do you think about this guy?


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I agree. To me, it looks like our Australorp Pullets at that age. The comb isn't red, it's pale - but our girls grew combs pretty quickly. Unless I'm overlooking them, I see no saddle feathers. I would definitely give it a couple of weeks.
Both are cockerels. They don’t get in their male specific feathering until 12 weeks so there isn’t a way to tell from that aspect. Both combs are huge for a EE/Ameraucana to be a pullet at 8 weeks. Pea combs for pullets don’t get that big until they are close to laying.
Australorps don't have pea combs - they have single combs and get quite large. Even the pullets have large combs. The first one is probably a female. Does the second one have saddle feathers? If not, I'd give it a while. Those hackle feeathers look sus. But, It's comb is also small and and not redder than the other chick - unless it's just a lighting difference.
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I'm fairly certain both are cockerels. Large, reddish combs, and wattles on one. The first one is bearded so you can't see his wattles. Like @Rose the Legbar said, male-specific hackles and saddles don't come in until about twelve weeks, so feather shape means nothing at this point.
I would wait until u know for sure. A sure sign of a roo is it's first crow. Wait and see if it grows long metallic green tail feathers (or black.) 8 weeks old is a normal time for the comb to grow bigger for cockerels and pullets.

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