Wanted to trade: coturnix and/or button quail eggs for other eggs


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
I am looking for golden lakenvelder, d'uccles in any color, bantam cochin (b/b/s, mottled, or partridge), white or buff silkies, or any type (other than ringneck) pheasant or chukar eggs. Also interested in geese or turkeys.
I am unable to purchase right now, but I have at least 80 coturnix eggs and/or 15-20 button eggs to trade. Also have various mixed chickens, LF or bantam, and mixed meat duck eggs.
Want to trade any marans eggs?
Is there any difference in hatching out Coturnix and button eggs?

O.O OMG, I can finally say to BF "I swear, you said "NO Ducklings!" YOu never said NO duck EGGS!!"

or "Oh my, these chicks are deformed! They look like ducklings!!???"

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