Wanting Chicken Tractor Ideas!!


9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
I have a coop/run already built for my flock of nine standard size chickens but now I am wanting a tractor for a few silkies. I love the silkes and the idea of being able to move them around our yard. I live in SE GA so I have to deal with heat and predators of all kinds. I am looking for suggestions and pics.
4 words: cattle panel hoop house.
It's cheap, easy, and strong. And if you decide to not use it any more as a chicken tractor, you could easily convert it into a greenhouse. I have one, and it's awesome. It's 8'x10', and about 6' high at its peak, and I was able to build it for $100. I don't use it as a tractor, but it's light enough that I could.
Here is my 3X6 PVC chicken tractor, it is made from PVC pipe and welded wire. The panels are PVC plastic roofing panels. For extra weight you can fill the PVC with sand, but I find mine is heavy enough. I have two dogs that keep most animals out of the yard so I think it depends on your situation. This one works great for me as it can easliy be moved in my garden as needed.


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