Wanting opinions on Purina Starter/Grower

I use a locally milled feed for my chick starter, but I really like using Purina Flock Raiser for growing and layers. For the layers, I just add oyster shell. The protein content is 20%, and its a really pretty feed. Its a little pricey here, around $14, but Tractor Supply has some coupons for $2 off a bag until Wednesday, which makes it very competitive.
I too use Purina starter grower followed by Purina Flock Raiser when they go in with the big girls. I have oyster shell available free choice. Other than the occassional wonky first egg, all of my hens have good hard shells. I actually dropped two eggs on the ground outside last week and they didn't even crack! I like the flock raiser because I seem to always have all different ages of chickens and its easier than trying to feed them different feed.

Worked out great when someone gave me a duck last week as the feed is appropriate for it as well.
I swear by Purina feeds for all of my animals, from horses to dogs, cats and chickens. I have attended several nutritional seminars and continue to be amazed at the huge quality difference in feeds. Not all are "nutritionally complete" like advertised. My animals thrive on it
My TSC here just started carrying the Purina. They said they are going to carry the Dumaor and Purina. This is what I was told when I asked if they were doing away with the Dumor. When I told the lady I had heard alot of negative about Dumor she was a bit surprised. I am trying Purina now and my chickens eat it much better than the Dumor. It seems better quality to me than the Dumor. I like the Flock Raiser, but am also getting chicks in a week or so and bought a bag of Start N Grow. So will see.
Every TSC in the US will now be carrying Purina (and likely Dumor, which is their house brand), this was a deal made at the corporate level, nationwide.

Prior to this we could get Kent Feeds at our local TSC, but they've been told that they are no longer allowed to carry it.

I have purchased two bags of the Purina just to try them, but I do not like the fact that there's no animal protein in their feeds. I really feel that animal proteins are needed by chickens, especially to prevent feather picking.

I am going to see if we can get the Kent feed elsewhere, this just stinks, IMO.
I saw it said no animal protein when I bought it. It caught my attention because I have read so much about chickens needing animal protein. So this is a great point, never thought about the feather picking issue being related to lack of animal protein. Definitely something to think about.
I love the brand. Our local tack and feed store was actually excited and spreading the word to all their customers that they would be selling that brand soon.

They also mentioned that the Purina Scratch doesn't have some of the grains that the birds don't really like or eat. It is just wheat and cracked corn. I know that mine go nuts when I feed them some of that.

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