wanting to start letting them free range for a little bit in my back y


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Millbrook al
I have a total of 17 chickens. my white leghorns are the first to lay eggs and they just started about 3 weeks ago. They have a coop and a enclosed run but I would like to see them loose in my back yard for short periods of time. ( I have three dogs that I would have to bring inside while the chickens are loose) I was thinking that I could let them out about an hour before sunset keeping a eye on them ( my back yard has a 4 ft fence) and that was when it is time for them to retire it might not be to hard to get them back into the run/coop. or is this just me hoping to much
Not to much at all. My chickens always go to bed on there own, and ppl are amazed. If they are use to roosting in the hen house that is where they will return.
Good luck, and have fun watching the chickens!
You will be surprised. You have the perfect idea in how to manage the free ranging. I have two weinerschnappers and a cat that I have to bring in when I let my girls out. They go out a couple of hours before sunset and they're not a problem at all to get back in the run. Scratch or a nice treat always helps. Your chickens will love you for it and will start to come running when you call.

Then when they're done, you can let the dogs back out and they'll clean up any messes the chickens left.
Mine are out for most of the day and return to their coop all on their own. I go and lock them in about 9pm to keep them safe from predators. I was so proud the first time they put themselves to sleep lol. Maybe you could let them out an hour before it starts to get dark and sit with them to make sure they go in, just for your peace of mind.
We try to let ours out for an hour or so every evening, before sunset, it's worked well for us and the chooks - except now, hubby's working nights, and I'm out teaching from 6:30 or 7 for an hour or so. On those nights I try to give them extra treats; I do feel bad when they can't get out.

ETA one of us stays out there with them - the hawks would have taken several by now if we didn't!
I let mine out every evening as well. They always return to the coop around dusk. When my now 20 week old EEs first started going out with the big girls a couple of times I found one of them roosting in a tree next to the coop that was of course after hours of panic and searching. It actually was morning when I went back out to continue to look and she flew down from the tree. The next night I knew right where to find her. Now they all go in.
mine are out ALL day from about 6:30 or so in the morning till about 9:30 at night. they go in just fine.we have 5 dogs and 2 cats and mine never do anything to them.

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