Warmth from deep litter method?

Ok.....still new at this. Mommy of 6 girls, 10weeks old. Call me clueless and still stupid to this new thing I'm doing owning banties... but how is the deep litter method. What is it?
How long does it take (aprox.) to start composting and creating warmth? I started out with just a few in there about 1.5 months ago-there are now 15 in aprox 275 sq ft. I npw have about 6-8 inches of shavings and turn it all at least once a wek. I understand it provides insulation-just curious how long until it will start composting/warming up?

Also, they tend to drag treats out of their pan (pumpkin, apples, grapes, tomatoes) out into the floor of the coop. I try to pick up what I see but will this help the compostingt or cause things to become unsanitary?

Leisa 1968: Deep Litter Method is where you put down a layer of pine shavings (Some use Hay I believe) and DE, then add to it regularly until you eventually acheive a 8-10 inch bedding. Continuely mixing up so that the droppings are mixed in. This causes a warm insulator on the floor for the chickens as well as slow composting which will allow for warmth. It makes cleaning easier and according to all the knowledgable people on here-no/low smell.

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