Warren chickens


12 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Myrtle Beach
My local feed store said they will have in March. RIRs, black sexlinks, and Warrens? What are Warrens? Has anybody ever had them? When I did a search on them, all I could come up with, was that they are a chicken bred for battery cages.
I have 2 warrens which were given to me in September. They are brown hens bred for battery farming. One is an excellent layer. I got 23 eggs from her in January here in the UK with temperatures around -1 to 10 C and daylight of about 8 hours per day, and an egg every day so far this February (5). The other has stopped laying and has a pale comb. They are about 2 years old. I like them as I want the eggs. I also like watching their antics in the garden.
Pretty much like an ISA Brown. Seems to be a sort of 'new improved' version (?). Yes, it's a commercial brown battery layer but a really nice bird for the backyard nonetheless. I did a breeds page on ISA Browns, look at this page.

ISA Browns are super 'production' hybrid layers, mine are quite friendly calm and interesting birds. However people say they 'burn out' quicker than heritage breeds, and I've lost one of my 3 to eggbinding/internal laying, which may be more common with them. I love mine, but am not getting more, fwiw.

i have 10 warrens, and get 10 eggs a day from the warren coop! they are amazing layers and so timid! they run up to you and want to be picked up! they are more friendly than the silkies!
I just got a point of lay warren today ,shes so friendly ! she doesnt mind me holding her and will eat out of my hand . Ive heard they are good egg layers but only for a couple of years
I'm new this forum stuff, not sure if I'm in the right place to ask but I have 6 warren hens to have my garden to themselves for 12 hours a day and was wandering if it was ok to put in another breed of chicken? I have 2 coops with runs so I can keep the new breed in the run for a couple of days to let my warrens get to know them so to speak.
What's best to feed my warrens on for egg laying there on corn at the min and layers pellets as just come off chick pellets?
I'm new this forum stuff, not sure if I'm in the right place to ask but I have 6 warren hens to have my garden to themselves for 12 hours a day and was wandering if it was ok to put in another breed of chicken? I have 2 coops with runs so I can keep the new breed in the run for a couple of days to let my warrens get to know them so to speak.
Welcome to BYC

You tagged onto a very old thread, so I hope you don't feel that anyone was ignoring your post.

You can mix the "Warren" with any other breed. Your plan for integration sounds like a good plan. The Warren, as mentioned, is merely Warren Poultry's version of the Red Sex Link hybrid layer. Again, welcome to BYC.

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