warrior cats clan!!!!!!!! come and join! ( I will choose your warrier name) Thunderclan

When Firestar had his fair share of cuddling with the new kits, he was sent out by Shadowfire to hunt for her. Cinderpelt had stopped by and checked on Shadowfire. "Hmm. maybe tomorrow you will be good enough,to hunt." Still frustrated by the lack of quality time with the kittens and his mate Firestar quickly traipsed into the forest leading the older kits along . "Be back here before moon-fall! " Firestar yowled as the three young cats dispersed into three different directions. After Firestar had seen and pounced on a good-sized rabbit he scooped it up in his mouth and began his way back to the spot. The sun setting behind him made him trot faster. Rustling came from one bush to his right. Firestar stopped and placed down his meal. More rustling and a quiet hiss. Leaping out of a bush was a Soot-colored thin ,hungry looking she-cat ! Hissing and snarling she crept closer to the dead rabbit. Quickly realizing what her scheme was Firestar leapt in front of the meal . " This is mine. I won't hurt you if you don't TRY to hurt me.Rogue She-cat....What is you're name?I am Firestar leader of Thunderclan." He meowed in a deep tone. The younger cat dis-continued to snarl and meowed softly. "I am a rogue she-cat." She meowed back keeping a watchful eye on Firestar's every move. "That I can tell. seeing how sickly you are.Are you hungry?" meowed firestar.
Sure!! That sounds great!

Sootfur padded quietly through the long grass. Always wary, always alert for danger. She had her lunch in her mouth, and wanted to get home to safety. She reached the place that she was most vulnerable. A small opening in the grass, where she had no cover if a clan cat saw her. She took a deep breath and launched her self out of the grass and reached the other side. She stopped just inside the grass, panting. Suddenly she heard a noise, and a ginger tom, who she knew was a clan cat at once, came out of the grass. Sootfur flattened her self into the ground but, it wasn't enough, the ginger cat had seen her.
Sure!! That sounds great!

Sootfur padded quietly through the long grass. Always wary, always alert for danger. She had her lunch in her mouth, and wanted to get home to safety. She reached the place that she was most vulnerable. A small opening in the grass, where she had no cover if a clan cat saw her. She took a deep breath and launched her self out of the grass and reached the other side. She stopped just inside the grass, panting. Suddenly she heard a noise, and a ginger tom, who she knew was a clan cat at once, came out of the grass. Sootfur flattened her self into the ground but, it wasn't enough, the ginger cat had seen her.

" Why don't you come to join our clan?" Firestar meowed. Carefully creeping closer. He stared into the she-cats giant mesmerizing eyes. Her black face softened a little bit. But then tensed up again. "Well if this will make you more comfortable.. I was rogue just like you once. And now look at me. I am a leader of a clan. I won't hurt you. My mate is very nice and will take care of you. Come." The sky continued to grow darker . " I must meet the rest of the hunting party now." Sootfur cautiously followed the orange Tom,poised to run at any second. When the hunting party had returned to the camp Sootfur who gradually became at ease with Firestar completely let down her guard. All these nice cats..and kittens..that's what did it. The gray,sickly -looking she-cat followed Firestar into his den to meet the newborn kits and Shadpwfire. "Shadowfire? Meet ....What is you're name?" Firestar inquired. "I am Firestar. this is Shadowfire and our kits..Snowkit and Nightkit. " Two adult cat's sets of eyes fell on her. Waiting for a response...
cinderpelt is leaving now bybye!!

" Why don't you come to join our clan?" Firestar meowed. Carefully creeping closer. He stared into the she-cats giant mesmerizing eyes. Her black face softened a little bit. But then tensed up again. "Well if this will make you more comfortable.. I was rogue just like you once. And now look at me. I am a leader of a clan. I won't hurt you. My mate is very nice and will take care of you. Come." The sky continued to grow darker . " I must meet the rest of the hunting party now." Sootfur cautiously followed the orange Tom,poised to run at any second. When the hunting party had returned to the camp Sootfur who gradually became at ease with Firestar completely let down her guard. All these nice cats..and kittens..that's what did it. The gray,sickly -looking she-cat followed Firestar into his den to meet the newborn kits and Shadpwfire. "Shadowfire? Meet ....What is you're name?" Firestar inquired. "I am Firestar. this is Shadowfire and our kits..Snowkit and Nightkit. " Two adult cat's sets of eyes fell on her. Waiting for a response...
The silence rang in Firestars ears as he locked his golden\green eyes on the thin gray cat ......remembrance of Himself looking just as thin and underfed as this scrawny she-cat before him .. a stab of how it felt stung him in the gut.

" Why don't you come to join our clan?" Firestar meowed. Carefully creeping closer. He stared into the she-cats giant mesmerizing eyes. Her black face softened a little bit. But then tensed up again. "Well if this will make you more comfortable.. I was rogue just like you once. And now look at me. I am a leader of a clan. I won't hurt you. My mate is very nice and will take care of you. Come." The sky continued to grow darker . " I must meet the rest of the hunting party now." Sootfur cautiously followed the orange Tom,poised to run at any second. When the hunting party had returned to the camp Sootfur who gradually became at ease with Firestar completely let down her guard. All these nice cats..and kittens..that's what did it. The gray,sickly -looking she-cat followed Firestar into his den to meet the newborn kits and Shadpwfire. "Shadowfire? Meet ....What is you're name?" Firestar inquired. "I am Firestar. this is Shadowfire and our kits..Snowkit and Nightkit. " Two adult cat's sets of eyes fell on her. Waiting for a response...

The silence rang in Firestars ears as he locked his golden\green eyes on the thin gray cat ......remembrance of Himself looking just as thin and underfed as this scrawny she-cat before him .. a stab of how it felt stung him in the gut.
Sootfur gazed lovingly at the tiny kits. She remembered the days when her kits where young, she was a young mother then, only 1 1/2 yrs old. "I wonder where they are now." she said inaudibly. Suddenly she realized she was being asked a question. "My name is Sootfur." She replied.
She cringed as a stab of hunger rippled through her stomach. She ignored it and then asked, "What must I do to be apart of this clan?"
Nightpaw walked into the camp with a bundle of cat-mint in her jaws. Suddenly dropping the bundle, she screeched "Who's there! You don't smell of the Clans!" Walking over to Firestar and the young cat, she gazed at her with sightless eyes. A wave of fear-smell washed over Nightpaw, and she tensed. "What's wrong with you?" she asked the small cat, kindly.
As Firestar entered the nurssery he collided with Nightpaw. "Hey! Daddy! Morning! Can I go play with the others now??" Firestar licked her cheek and let her pass. Alone at last with his mate and the kits.
Snowkit meowed and crawled over to the warmth of Shadowfires tummy. "Are you Hungry?" Yowled Firestar as he stod erect trying to look manly when he really wanted to cuddle with the soft babies.
"Are you wanting to cuddle with our kits Firestar?" Shadowfire purred with amusement.

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