warrior cats clan!!!!!!!! come and join! ( I will choose your warrier name) Thunderclan

"This is Sootfur, a rouge cat," answered Nightpaw with a dip of her head.
"Yes....Sootfur will be training as a warrior as soon as she gets her acceptance ceremony. I think we should have it next sunrise. " Meowed Firestar.
Dubiously Cinderpelt nodded and took the bundle of cat-mint from Nightpaws mouth. "Come..show Sootfur how to make cat-mint-mush.I need to talk to Firestar."Cinderpelt meowed gravely.
Hey guys! How about ......Sootfur is Shadowfires long-lost rebel sister......That is why they look similar! OK?
That would be awesome!!

"Sootfur..nice name. To be a part..you must get my blessing in a ceremony called...anointment.We must lay our paws on you and say in front of the whole clan that we now exept you as our clan-member." Firestar said . Placing a small piece of rabbit down beside Sootfur he meowed, "Eat. You look half starved!" He glanced towards Shadowfire and then back too Sootfur. The similarity towards the two cats was astounding!

Sootfur stared at Shadowfire, so intensely her eyes started to burn. She shook her head, and was "teleported" to the past, back when she and Shadowfire were apprentices:

Sootkpaw woke up, the rest of the apprentices were fast asleep. She was the only one awake. She looked over and saw her sister stirring in her sleep. She nudged her sister awake, "Shadowpaw!" Shadowpaw sat in in surprise. When her eyes came into focus she saw her sister bouncing around looking awful excited. "What is the matter with you?" Shadowpaw asked. "I want to go hunting." Sootpaw said practicing her crouch. "Well, what do you want me to do?", Shadowpaw asked. "Come with me", she said looking deep into her sisters eyes. "Why?!" "Because I want to!" Sootpaw replied almost yelling. "Shh!!" mom will hear us!! Com-on! Swiftly darting out into the night. Auhg, okay, Shadowpaw replied, racing off after her.
It had been awhile since the the two kittens had left camp, and now the sun was beginning to show over the tops of the trees. "We've been out here for hours, Shadowpaw said. I know! Sootpaw mewed back. Suddenly both of them heard a noise in the grass up ahead. An owl, much bigger than the two kittens combined flew up over their heads. It swooped back down and snatched up Sootpaw! "Sootpaw!!!!!!" Screeched Shadowpaw. The owl flew up and over the trees and out of little Shadowpaws sight. She sat there for a little while, not knowing exactly what just happend. Then she bolted in the direction she thought was home.
Sootpaw thrashed and beat the bottem of the owl with her claws, apparently that was enough to make the owl swoop low and drop her. She hit the ground hard, and tumbled into the base of a tree. She got up and looked around. The owl was gone. And so was her sister. The owl had taken her a long way away and she was in another clans territory by the stench of it. She looked up to see a large she-cat staring at her. She leaped back in surprise. "Where did you come from little one?" The she-cat inquired nicely. "I don't know", Shadowpaw meowed.
"Come with me, you look like you need help with those gashes". Shadowpaw looked at her shoulders, long red lines ran along her shoulders. "Thank you", she replied. Then followed.

Sootfur, shook her head again and looked at Firestar, smiled, then chowed down on the piece of rabbit he gave her. Thank you she said, between mouth fulls.

Sorry I'm a bit late with this post.

Originally Posted by clucky3255


Firestar watching as Sootfur races across the clearing...(This happened b-4)
Wow. That picture is perfect!
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"No problem. " still perplexed by the similarity of the two she-cats he rose one eye-brow at Shadowfire. She rose one back, "I need to talk to you." He meowed. Shadowfire padded along beside Firestar until they were out of ear-shot of Sootfur. Sitting erect and his back to Shadowfire. "Ya know the sister that you thought died from the owl-incident?" He inquired.

kyla- just say yes and ask why.
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Before Shadowfire responded he went on. "If you look at the scars on Sootfur's shoulder and at the similaritys...." He paused for emphasis. "I think that if you went too Sootfur and ....WAIT!" He yowled,startling Shadowfire. "What was you're sisters name?!" Firestar gazed into the blue eyes of his mates while excitement burned inside of him.

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