Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Tonight I separated my 2 babies from the 6 babies going to my friend tomorrow. They were so sad and distressed!! I think they settled down finally but I feel awful they're so lonely. I hope those 2 keep each other nice and warm tonight, it was either now or tomorrow night so I just did it. I wanted my first pick of the CA Whites so I looked over all 4 girls and took my favorite, so that I won't be put on the spot tomorrow when my friend comes for her babies. I can't wait for them to leave, what a hassle! I'm too nice ;)
Good point. I was going to do a "post chick" cleaning on the bathroom where the 2 were until the pen was ready. Guess Niqui is going back in.

Thanks everyone for your input.
I am so sorry that the little Dominique is not behaving better. I am just as new as you at this, so don't really have much to contribute as to solution.
I guess moving her is best for now. Good luck.
I found this very interesting. Link: Is this poop normal?

5 chicks now. so cute.....
Interesting AND informative! Bookmarking this, but also hoping that my fiance doesn't accidentally click it or he may think something more is wrong with me..

Also, I wish I could watch the hatching!
I am very jellouse of ya'll that are planting crops and gardens.

x2!!! This is our first house and we bought it last October. I was so looking forward to having my very first garden this year but I don't think that's going to happen. And I bought sooo many gardening books over winter. Why does it have to take forever to get stuff done??
I found this very interesting. Link: Is this poop normal?

5 chicks now. so cute.....
I added it to my favorites so that I can use it for reference. I felt a little weird about it and kinda looked to see if anyone was watching. Lol. It is good though. Their poop doesn't always look the same, so it is good to know that all of the poops I have seen thus far have been normal. I have had a couple with the intestinal lining and that is alarming the first time you see it.

Congrats on your chicks!!
I had a bunch a quotes before DFH said there were TWO CHICKENS MISSING!!!
But then, sweet baby duck made its appearance and dang nab it Chicken Rustler!!!!! I maybe thinkin I wanna baby duck!!!!!!!!'
The ducklings are finally hatching and the next batch is ready to transfer to the hatching incubator. I moved one over already because when I candled it had already pipped internally while one duckling is drying off in the dehydrator. I am trying to figure out how to post a picture so hopefully it shows up. Apparently the incubation period for Australian Spotted ducks is the same as other duck breeds. They are so tiny when they hatch since the eggs are chicken egg sized.

Melissa!! I love your name! Had a good friend with one similar!
Have a wondeful evening! Me n Mikeyb are kinda night owls. Me more than recently, but should go back to normal soon!!

My first year of chickens, waddles make me giggle!!!! The ladies seem to be ok and let me put them on my shoulders. My lil' Raider, the 2 year old golden-doodle, Australian Shepard, hasn't eaten the the fluffy butts,
I've fed them unmediated feed and have barely given them supplemental light, yet they seem to enjoy my compost pile on sunny days :/


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