Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I have a huge empty bed that I've been digging chicken poo into. I probably should get back out there and start doing it again - 'cuz the garbage can is full of poo AGAIN. Must get motivated to go play with poo...

If you're not planting until spring, you could just pile it on top and dig it in before planting.

If only! But, I'm sure my neighbors would have a conniption fit. One neighbor walked by and asked me what I was burying and I told him compost. Oldest DS blurted out "No, it's not! It's...". Fortunately he understood that "Don't you dare say another word look" and stopped talking. LOL! Whew! We're still trying to reassure neighbors that our chickens will not stink. I know that chicken poop on top of a garden bed would cause a huge problem.
VF - KMHunter - justbugged:
Thank you all for your help. Having a rough dimension is a big help as are all the answers and ideas. I feel much more comfortable now and I've been able to move along to other parts of the equation. I think DH and I have some pretty good ideas now! The hard part is waiting for weather good enough to act on them! He seemed anxious to get started with the prep work. And while I was laying in bed before dawn this morning, unable to sleep, I came up with a couple real dillies! I just love those quiet pre-dawn hours when I'm able to solve most all of the world problems!!
We found a very nice chicken tractor with attached small coop on Craig's List for $100. Granted, it had to be cleaned up a lot, but it is in great shape. We couldn't have purchased the supplies to build it for the amount we paid for it. Craig's List is a great resource.

I've been glued to Craigslist lately. Wish I was still on the E side of the Sound, there are just so many more possibilities over there... or so it seems.
. I have popped in every once in awhile but I been super busy. Then yall up and moved on me.. LOL Chickens are good... right now we are up to 15 ladies???? But whos counting right... LOL I have 12 layers and then 3 female red broilers who just never got butchered and kinda made their selves at home.. LOL... I guess they are safe for now since my freezer is still full. As for family super busy... My hubby has military stuff going on got transferred to a new unit and now they are talking deployment FUN... also had some medical drama with my 3 yr old... he decided to play Ninja Turtles on his sisters bed and bit off his bottom lip and shoved his front teeth back up into his gums... so after lots of blood n xrays n surgeons he is almost back to 100%. But it gave us quite a scare. On a lighter note we are expecting baby number 4 in Feb and super excited about that. So busy busy here...

How are things on your end? I am hoping now that things have calmed down some I will be able to stop in more often. I miss catching up on everyones chickies.

Dang!!! OUCH!! I'm so glad our kids are grown!
Congratulations on number 4... take care.
Im in the same boat JB -- I think I have more than 60 and less than 80, but I'm not sure.

You guys be careful with that chicken math! I still feel bad for the people I bought our chicken tractor from. They live on a small neighborhood lot, started out with 5, then chicken math took over. They got in trouble with the city and all coops & chickens were required to be removed ASAP. We asked how many they had, and they didn't know. They sold them off to multiple people. The only # she could remember was one guy buying 40. The area the chickens were in was not much bigger than the area my kid's swing set is in. That was a bit shocking for us to hear. We couldn't imagine more than just a few living in our entire back yard, let alone in one corner of it.

I have 4 acres :)
Yes.. I lean on my Army Training .. I yell .. FALL IN .. and they just look at me .. one or two will cluck .. then someone poops .. and they're all distracted again.
I can tell you your problem ! First of all Females DON'T like to be told what to do
you should know that
and you don't yell fall in, you yell bak, bak,bak,bak. thats what I do and they all gather at my feet and follow me to the run. I have to be careful I don't step on their feet. My oldest girl (a RIR) is always in the lead ahead of me. once they are in the run they get a treat. usually sunflower seeds. then I count them . I count the white ones first and then the colored ones
thats how ya do it
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As for my thoughts on a potluck at the Chehalis show. I completely understand CR's position. He just doesn't have the space for it in his booth, and it's very distracting. We have also had other fall out over the potluck. The sponsor's have had a problems with the outside vendor's complaining about the potluck cutting into their profits. They also have had problems with simply not being asked about it first. I guess I have a problem with that theory, because I doubt that I would have bought anything from a food vendor at the show regardless of a potluck.

Still there isn't really a room for us to gather for a potluck that would be unobtrusive at the Chehalis Show. I would be interested in seeing if CR's trailer would work for a potluck. We could try the trailer out, but I do have questions about power, and seating.

I would be willing to try and get things set up. I do think that this time we should include the sponsors into the planning. In the past we haven't done this, and I really think that this is the real problem. I think if we hosted a closed potluck for just active BYC members and their families, then it would be difficult for a vendor to complain. I would be willing to include the sponsors of the show in the invitation, but we would need to somehow control the open door policy of the past.

I do know that many people attending don't understand that the potluck is not part of the WFF's show, nor do they understand that the potluck is part of our BYC group. I don't have a problem with sharing, but I do think that we should be asking people that are mooching to join our group. I am not sure how to control the group in order to keep it to just a BYC membership. The only thing that comes to mind would be to create name tags, that could be mailed out in advance of one of these shows. We could have a member badge, and a slightly different family member badge. I would be willing to be part of creating, and covering some of the cost towards the project, but I am not manage the cost entirely by myself. As for everyone else this idea would require the impute of your mailing address, and number of badges needed. Maybe it could be done with simply sending in a pre-addressed postage included envelope to a central location, or badges could picked up at the show.

I think that there are still some funds leftover from a previous potluck, and maybe they could help pay the printing costs, and the onetime purchase of badge holders. If we do this then we should commission CR to make us an official donation piggy bank. We unfortunately would have to make sure that it would be locked and chained to a table.

Okay those are my ideas for a potluck at the show's. Does anyone else have ideas? Or have any revisions on my thoughts? I am wide open to any and all ideas about trying to continue our traditions of getting together at the shows. It doesn't hurt that I do love getting a potluck together either.

Wow that sounds like a lot of work and a lot of hassle with a lot of potentially upset people. Would it be possible to use CR's trailer as a gathering spot for coffee & treats and all the stuff we're trading? Some of us have a rather long drive home and I'm thinking something simple around 2:00 might work, maybe? If we're bringing our own chairs already, as instructed by our more experienced friends, we don't need an awful lot more. If we really want name tags, maybe each person can provide their own CREATIVE tag. I'm sure other are better planners than I am, but KISS is often a good way to go. Just MHO.
Im in the same boat JB -- I think I have more than 60 and less than 80, but I'm not sure.

You guys be careful with that chicken math! I still feel bad for the people I bought our chicken tractor from. They live on a small neighborhood lot, started out with 5, then chicken math took over. They got in trouble with the city and all coops & chickens were required to be removed ASAP. We asked how many they had, and they didn't know. They sold them off to multiple people. The only # she could remember was one guy buying 40. The area the chickens were in was not much bigger than the area my kid's swing set is in. That was a bit shocking for us to hear. We couldn't imagine more than just a few living in our entire back yard, let alone in one corner of it.

I have 4 acres :)

I figured you'd probably be OK living on the East side. :) We city slickers, with strict poultry laws, have to watch our P's and Q's. I'm still hoping no one discovers that I'm currently one bird over limit, or that 4 of my 7 are more than likely little roos.
Ha! Ha! And... I'm considering bringing in a couple of pullets before getting rid of the babies. We'll have to see... DH wants to hatch again. Hatching a 2nd time before getting rid of the babies would REALLY bring us over our limit of 6.

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