Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I don't believe they require special care, but mud makes them messy. If the mud froze it might be a problem. Mine have a dry house and covered run so hasn't been an issue. Others may have insight.
I have 6 feathered feet friends my run is covered by chicken wire only I do have a very large coop area 17 ft diameter, if is raining real hard the brahmas stay in but since I laid a good layer of shavings in the yard as well their feet are clean and dry out there as well. I am in Mossyrock and we get some real nice rains
I came home and was out in the coop at 6:30pm. They were locked in a tall chain link run but the coop door was open. I have always left the coop door open but the run closed and in the 3 years since we moved in this place I have never had a problem with predators unless they were out free ranging. I was shocked! It took me a second to dial my husband because I was so shocked as to what I was actually seeing. So sad, the hens that were killed were so friendly, I had finally got a super friendly crew that we're all named and super layers. Makes me sick!
So the cat went over the 6 ft chain link??? I have never seen a cat climb chain link, except the 2-3 foot type where they mostly jump over...
Thank you so much for the offer but I am not a fan of Brahmas and feathered feet.

My dear 9 year old hen laid an egg for me. She has been such a fun chicken to have around. Although quite sassy to the other flock members. My missing hen didn't show up today.

I am determined to stay positive! I am starting to look forward to a new flock and slowly making plans for this year.
If you can possibly think this episode has a bright side !
The bright side is you are on spring's doorstep, and you will get to buy or hatch new chicks !!

Plan it right !
And try to make the coop & pen cat/predator proof...I added a radio, my peeps love Jazz and listen to KPLU all day !
At night the radio is turned down, not off, and everything is locked up.

We also put jack out in the yard (on a chain) during days when we are not home.
He mostly sleeps in his dog house...but at least he out there & his smell is out there...
I have heard dog poo & urine can keep ALL critters away...if you have a dog, gather up poo's in a 5 gal bucket & "distribute' the poo all around within 50 feet of your birds.
Taking your dog for a walk around the same area helps, especially if they pee....dog hair left around the same area helps, too....Our Jack is "molting"
and there is GOBS of his fur all over the cabin (his house) his bed and everywhere else...it is easy to gather the hair & toss it around the woods.
In the spring, song birds will gather his fur & make their nests, maybe for the insulating factor, maybe to keep predators away ? certainly not for its stinky dog-hair smell......

Jack is a flock guardian dog, and hates people, that is what flock guardians do.....they are not house dogs, and do not care for humans much excepts for their meals....Jack is a big hairy spoiled stinky dog...who does not mind

I came home and was out in the coop at 6:30pm. They were locked in a tall chain link run but the coop door was open. I have always left the coop door open but the run closed and in the 3 years since we moved in this place I have never had a problem with predators unless they were out free ranging. I was shocked! It took me a second to dial my husband because I was so shocked as to what I was actually seeing. So sad, the hens that were killed were so friendly, I had finally got a super friendly crew that we're all named and super layers. Makes me sick!

So the cat went over the 6 ft chain link??? I have never seen a cat climb chain link, except the 2-3 foot type where they mostly jump over...

I walked all around and that's the only way I can think of because the run door was shut. No openings to crawl under. BUT, on the outside on one side of the chain link is an old 3ft board fence that im sure aided the cats entrance. Looking at the cat after she was dead, I think she was starving, she felt quite emaciated even for a wild animal. Desperate times call for desperate measures. She thought she hit the jackpot. Food, water, and a cozy clean house! :( My poor rooster is going through post traumatic stress. I hope he calms down and recovers quickly. The coop and run are no longer safe havens to him and all he wants to do is get out and away. The hens are already over it thankfully.

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