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I still feel icky........................this is one long gnarly cold/flu....super tickly throat, clicky ears when I swallow...kinda sore throat nasopharyngeal area...................from time to time my head fills & plugs, then times it feels fine.
One day I feel OK like it is getting better...the next I feel worse.

Saw on the news this morning that alot of the schools are reporting this and one school had a 40% absentee rate due to this flu or "extended cold"

Think it is the same ?
DH has been taking Keflex, and it is not doing anygood, so I believe this is a virus.
We did not, and do not, get a flu shot.
If I did that my hyperactive immunal system would completely flip out & eat my brain entirely.

Best not to tease the sleeping bear !
My babies laid their first eggs this week!! I have two for sure laying. My GLW started last week at 20 weeks old and my Andalusian started today at 21 weeks 2 days. I was SO surprised about the Andalusian because she wasn't squatting for me and her comb only just took off in development in the last two weeks. She's not even really red!

Here's a pic that shows the Andalusians (blue and splash) that I took last week when they were eating yogurt.

Does anyone know, do Andalusians usually lay this early? They are the only white egg layers in my coop and my whole flock is 21 weeks old except for my Chocolate Orpington.


Mine just started laying like crazy. I had one Marans laying over the winter, but finally my 2 Wellies from last May hatch are laying (so I'm getting eggs from all 5 brown egg layers). One of my Ameraucanas is laying also - same age as the Wellies. It took them forever!

Can you please tell me @Bridebeliever how you are labeling your pictures?? I would love to be able to do this once I figure out whose is whose - can't tell my Welsummer eggs from my Marans right now!


Here are eggs from the last week:
Top left, Blue Wheaten Ameraucana
Left middle, Cream Legbar
Bottom left, Swedish Flower Hens
Right, Black Copper Marans (3 of the rows) and Welsummer (2 rows).
@seattleselkie any idea which ones are the Wellies? Can you post a pic of your Wellie eggs for comparison please?
So happy to be getting all these eggs!

Here are eggs from the last week:
Top left, Blue Wheaten Ameraucana
Left middle, Cream Legbar
Bottom left, Swedish Flower Hens
Right, Black Copper Marans (3 of the rows) and Welsummer (2 rows).
@seattleselkie any idea which ones are the Wellies? Can you post a pic of your Wellie eggs for comparison please?
So happy to be getting all these eggs!
That's so wonderful! I can't wait until I get a full egg basket!!
Can you please tell me @Bridebeliever
 how you are labeling your pictures?? I would love to be able to do this once I figure out whose is whose - can't tell my Welsummer eggs from my Marans right now!


I have an app on my phone called Aviary. It's a photo editing tool that allows me to add text to my photos. Here's a screen shot so you can see their logo. I take all of my pictures on my phone so it makes it really easy.
On Tuesday we got 6 eggs - the most I've ever had in a day! We started keeping chickens last spring and the most we have had up until now has been 5 in a day. As I said, it took a long while for my 2 Wellies and Ameraucanas to start laying - one Am still hasn't yet! Once she begins and my 2 youngest CL start laying I will have 11 hens laying. Whoopee!

My last post from my phone (where all my pictures are) didn't post :(

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