Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Then you'll be able to do fun stuff like this!

On Tuesday we got 6 eggs - the most I've ever had in a day! We started keeping chickens last spring and the most we have had up until now has been 5 in a day. As I said, it took a long while for my 2 Wellies and Ameraucanas to start laying - one Am still hasn't yet! Once she begins and my 2 youngest CL start laying I will have 11 hens laying. Whoopee!

My last post from my phone (where all my pictures are) didn't post :(

Glad to hear those girls are laying, JulesChick! And what a nice assortment of colors you are getting.
You should start getting an egg a day from those Wellies. I have been very pleased with the production rates of these new girls.

Here is a couple of pictures of mine for comparison......some have speckles, some lay a nice matte brown.....they look to be around 4 on the Marans scale, but have that nice terra cotta undertone. Good luck with your sleuthing.....maybe you will catch someone on the nest and get a hint......or listen for their egg song, I don't know about Marans, but Wellies seem to be very loud when it comes to egg songs.

I need some advice. I'm thinking about getting two Chicks, this would bring me to my maximum number of chickens that I want. Or should I say that I can have:) I am worried that if I lose one then I would be trying to integrate just one chicken into the flock. Should I buy three just in case, or risk it with only two. These would be from the local feed store. I didn't have any trouble last time I got checks, all three tived to maturity.
I need some advice. I'm thinking about getting two Chicks, this would bring me to my maximum number of chickens that I want. Or should I say that I can have:) I am worried that if I lose one then I would be trying to integrate just one chicken into the flock. Should I buy three just in case, or risk it with only two. These would be from the local feed store. I didn't have any trouble last time I got checks, all three tived to maturity.
as long as they are warm and fed as with others you raised just get the two I would say
I need some advice. I'm thinking about getting two Chicks, this would bring me to my maximum number of chickens that I want. Or should I say that I can have:) I am worried that if I lose one then I would be trying to integrate just one chicken into the flock. Should I buy three just in case, or risk it with only two. These would be from the local feed store. I didn't have any trouble last time I got checks, all three tived to maturity.
I'd get the two. With good care, and picking up the chicks nearly as soon as they are delivered to the feed store, they have a very good chance.
I have the breed list and the dates of when the chicks will be delivered. Is it difficult to integrate just one chicken into a group? I'm not expecting anything to happen, and I'm going to hope for all females, but you never know.

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