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The leg is not swollen, just the ankle and the foot. I tore the peroneal tendon 9 months ago and walked on it for 6 months thinking I tore the ligament but it was the tendon so it did not heal. I also have plantars faciitis so I was taking alot of ibuprofen and acetaminophen when I injured it so I did not realize it was serious.

After a week it was still swelling over the top of my shoe and the pain was making me throw up so I went to my doctor. She prescribed a diuretic for swelling and did not even note my ankle injury.

I went to urgent care 4 months later and when the doctor did an xray she said it was not broken and that due to the swelling I might need surgery. I saw a specialist in December who wanted me to do physical therapy. The physical therapist told me I should not be doing physical therapy and needed an MRI. I finally got an MRI in February and was told I need surgery.

Surgery was scheduled for March 15th so I saw my doctor on the 8th and had her look at the rash. She told me to use hydrocortizone. I went in for surgery but it was cancelled due to the rash. It seemed to be healing so I was scheduled for the 26th but I was sent home a second time.

I stopped taking ibuprofen before my first surgery date and started Tramadol instead. It is a pain killer but not an anti-inflamatory so I can't put weight on the ankle anymore. I have to keep my ankle elevated to keep the swelling down. I had been using compression for swelling and to stabilize the ankle while I was walking on it and I think that may have caused damage to the veins.

I have done alot of research online because I don't have alot of confidence in doctors. I will look up lymphedema to see if that might explain my symptoms.

I have tried hydrocortizone cream, hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial soap, antibiotic ointment, fungal cream, oral antibiotic, A & D ointment, and now aloe gel. The ointments make the rash worse for some reason. I have been able to get the bumpy thickened oozing patches where the ankle brace supports were applying pressure against the ankle swelling to resolve so I am left with sores from scratching the itchy texturized skin (which became dry and scaly before healing). Sores on other parts of my body have healed just fine but not on my lower leg.

I have never had a problem healing before so this 9+ months of non-healing from an injury is depressing. I was leading a horse with a rider on a trail and I stepped off the trail into a ditch because I was watching the riders and horses on the trail ride instead of watching where I was stepping in my riding boots. It was a work-related injury but I signed a waiver of liability for the job so I can't get workmen's compensation to help with my medical bills.

I tore the ligaments years ago during an emergency dismount so the healed ligaments are scarred. I guess that is why the tendon tore this time. When I tore the ligaments I was told it takes longer to heal than a break and I think it took 6 months to heal. With the torn tendon it has been 9 months already and I have not even started healing yet. I would have been on my feet already if surgery had happened in March but now I don't even know when I will be on my feet again.
lymphedema treatment doesn't have to be the whole leg. It can be just ankle and foot. It won't heal until the swelling is gone.
Yesterday as I was feeling down about my Mom and hands being tied to help
or make her healthy a call I had been waiting for came in their name for their chickens is voodo acres
I asked at about 4 local feed stores for feedback as I had looked at olive eggers... I am getting
birds from Gena here as well but still wanted a few more as I had given away like
6 or so of my Barred pullets making room....
my Best friend Richard bought me 4 Olive eggers wanting to cheer me up knowing I was also
getting some from our friend here...
Yesterday as I was feeling down about my Mom and hands being tied to help
or make her healthy a call I had been waiting for came in their name for their chickens is voodo acres
I asked at about 4 local feed stores for feedback as I had looked at olive eggers... I am getting
birds from Gena here as well but still wanted a few more as I had given away like
6 or so of my Barred pullets making room....
my Best friend Richard bought me 4 Olive eggers wanting to cheer me up knowing I was also
getting some from our friend here...
Good luck on hatching them Penny - glad your mood is picking up -
see in the end I will have 13 barreds and 13 easter or olive eggers
an even split no lone man out stuff
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lymphedema treatment doesn't have to be the whole leg. It can be just ankle and foot. It won't heal until the swelling is gone.

I think the swelling is related to the torn tendons but I did look it up. I tried to post a picture but I have not been able to post pictures recently for some reason. I go through the steps but it does not show the code. At times my ankle is not swollen at all but that is because I keep it elevated all day and all night. If I have my ankle down, it will swell up. The compression wrap helps keep swelling out of my ankle quite a bit but the pad of my foot and my toes still swell up.

The sores are actually mostly healed now but I need a clear bill of health before my surgeon will schedule surgery to make sure it does not return after it is healed over. The 17th is the next available date if it does not fill up before I am cleared for surgery.
Yesterday as I was feeling down about my Mom  and hands being tied to help
or make her healthy a call I had been waiting for came in their name for their chickens is voodo acres
I asked at about 4 local feed stores for feedback as I had looked at olive eggers... I am getting
birds from Gena here as well but still wanted a few more as I had given away like
6 or so of my Barred pullets making room....
my Best friend Richard bought me 4 Olive eggers wanting to cheer me up knowing I was also
getting some from our friend here...:ya

I had my daughter put a couple of black Orpington hens in with our Quechua rooster to make some olive eggers but I won't be keeping them because I don't like the olive colored eggs. I will mark their eggs to hatch so I can tell when the Orpington chicks end and the olive egger chicks begin. The eggs from the offspring will be light olive, I assume, not the dark olive eggs from a dark brown egg layer like the Marans.

The Orpingtons are beefy and the Quechua is lanky so hopefully the cross will make decent chickens. I might even give the Quechua rooster a couple more hens but for now I chose ones I am not keeping for sure and both have smaller combs so my hope is that the pea comb will be expressed since I think it is dominant.

I should be able to tell when the blue Orpington chicks end and the olive eggers begin since he is red and my Orpington roosters are splash. Hopefully they are not ugly birds with ugly eggs but I will mosy likely not even grow any out to see how they end up if I sell off my surplus hens. This is an experiment more than a project I want to start.

Hopefully the hens sell to someone who wants to hatch olive eggers or someone who just wants eating eggs and not fertile hatching eggs. The Quechua rooster already "contaminated" both hens so there is no turning back now. If there is a demand for the chicks I could do it again but I prefer to hatch purebred chicks.
talk to gateway he message me about if I had to many the 26 I will come out with
is a perfect low number but full enough for my coop. I really look forward to the 6 I am getting soon from Gena
26 - is like a full farm!

We picked up 2 white silkie chickens - wife had to have them since they made her laugh so much. The kids loves handling them. Not sure if they will lay, but just having them around is fun.

Now we are up to 6 -
I believe we can handle up to 4 more. Building another 4 by 4 coop once the house is more organize.
Yesterday as I was feeling down about my Mom and hands being tied to help
or make her healthy a call I had been waiting for came in their name for their chickens is voodo acres
I asked at about 4 local feed stores for feedback as I had looked at olive eggers... I am getting
birds from Gena here as well but still wanted a few more as I had given away like
6 or so of my Barred pullets making room....
my Best friend Richard bought me 4 Olive eggers wanting to cheer me up knowing I was also
getting some from our friend here...

Penny, are you wanting Olive Eggers? I have two. I know one is a roo and one is maybe a hen. I am going in a different direction with my flock now much my husband's dismay. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

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