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Carolyn, I'm not seasoned, but I agree it is very difficult to watch how the birds get treated at the Enumclaw auction. If I'm ever in the position of taking a bird there, I would absolutely have to drop the bird off and leave. I could not watch my bird being handled that way.

I would guess that quite a few of the birds that go there end up becoming someones meal. I don't think I could eat my own chicken. If I raised meat birds, maybe - because I would make a conscious choice not to get to know them, so to speak. But I doubt I could eat my own pullet or hen - even if they are considered "dual breeds". A mean roo.... maybe.
The new Washingtonian thread is almost always on recent activity. It makes me happy

Yes while we have favorites and then my SQ birds. Most are more like egg producers that we enjoy having and caring for. Many also have names.

Ours are pets - but we have our favorites, too. Could I imagine getting rid of Rhodie? Yes. Caunnie? Maybe. Drama? I doubt it. That big ole walking fluffball could probably eat me out of house and home and still have a place to live here.
Hi All,
I'd like to hear from as many of the seasoned chicken farmers here as I can. This is a topic that's been on my mind for quite a while and I just seem to be forever kicking it around in my head. So here goes....

I have just 3 hens. I got them because I wanted eggs and never thought about them becoming pets, and I've tried to remain as objective as possible knowing that at some time they will 'move on', one way or another. The way is my topic of discussion.

As the girls age their egg production will drop to the point that it's unreasonable for me to keep them. My EE has never been a heavy layer and by next summer will probably being giving us only 2-3 eggs per week. I know everyone has to deal with this issue eventually. So I'd like to know... at what point do you say good bye to a hen, and when you do what do you do? Sell, butcher, give away, send to a chicken retirement community? I went to the Enumclaw chicken auction yesterday and it sort of surprised me that I felt bad watching the birds getting sold, thinking how rough they were being treated, what their new home would be like, etc.

So, those of you with a few years experience, please add your voice to this. I'd really like to know what you feel is a practical solution.

Thanks very much

Before I answer, I need to know your definition of seasoned

This must be important to you because you emphasised it in your question. I want to make sure I fit your criteria before I respond.
Before I answer, I need to know your definition of seasoned

This must be important to you because you emphasised it in your question. I want to make sure I fit your criteria before I respond.

VelvettFog: I just meant people that have actually gone through the process at least once as opposed to someone like me that's been raising chickens for a little more than a year, but never had to make these decisions. Thanks for asking.
I'm going to have to go through my birds next year, maybe. Decide who to keep of the older ones. Some have names and are very friendly. Unfortunately for me, THEIR best friends aren't the other birds with names. I have some I've literally stitched back together (ungrateful wretch that one is). Some just interact with me as little as possible unless I have treats.

Then I have the brahma pullet who proves I'm no good at being selective on birds. I'm not sure exactly what is wrong with her. Her neck seems to be to far back in her body and her wishbone is to far up. She's hunched a little to one side and can't raise her head all the way and only can reach a little ways down her wings and body. I have to help her remove the waxy coating on her feathers.

She'd managed to get stuck in between two fences as a chick and was hanging when I came out to see what the rooster was going on about. She didn't show signs of anything wrong other than being cold then. As she grew it because more obvious something was wrong. I couldn't cull her. I'm a wuss. She was eating well and more than holds her own. She's quicker than everyone else out there. She always gets her share of whatever I toss. No one picks on her and she's the brahma cockerel's favorite girl to just lay down and hang out with. She doesn't go to far from shelter because she can't watch the sky. All the other birds seem to like her. She's a sweet and friendly girl.
CarolynF, I may not be "seasoned" as a chicken farmer/raiser/pet keeper but rest assured I am seasoned. hrump, he grumbled.
Any way, by your post I have discerned that you are already doomed to not culling and enjoying the final benefits of your chickens. The suggestion that you take the bird/s to an auction and sell them off and put the money to better use. (more chickens)
You will make the right decision for you when the time comes. Don't obsess over it.
Alright, here's my problem. I've realized that my rooster isn't really working out very well. He has not responded positively at all after I've been keeping him from eating initially and actually attacked me for real several times yesterday. That, however, is not my biggest problem. He's been picking on my girls for the longest time. They'll just be pecking around where he is, minding their own business, and he'll smack their heads. They're not challenging him or anything! He especially loves picking on my poor little BLRWs. They're so sweet and I feel so bad for them. He chases them and I'm tired of it. If I'm understanding correctly, the rooster is supposed to let the hens eat first. He does not. He's the first to eat and attacks anyone who stands near him at the food and water stations. He's great at watching for predators and we think he has saved one of my girls, but he's just mean to everyone for no reason. At this point, I'm thinking that it's time for him to move to another home. I'm wondering if he just needs to go to a home that already has a dominant rooster. If anyone is interested in a 7 month old Brabanter, please let me know via PM. I'm willing to meet part-way. Here's a picture of him.

Sorry to hear he is not working out! He was such a sweetie when he was younger. I hope you're able to find him a new home.

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