Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I love these gravity filling water cups. The silkies don't like them. They can't dunk their heads.

The ameraucana and easter eggers love them.

see and over a week they use the nipples even the physco lakenvelders have them figured although I did get them a small bucket do not want them drowning themselves on accident although they are calming as they get to know us
Just hanging around here.

Spent last night making lotion for Mom since we are going to go visit. Already did her body butter and chapstick.

I created a monster there. She really likes the stuff I make.
That's pretty neat I was given a bar soap by Spiritwood farms opened it went off sneezing
as is the norm for me guys have it in their bathroom and the smell does not come out but they like it
All good here went and picked up chicken feed today not on sale hasn’t been for 3 months. I have 2 of the 4 kittens tamed and are lap kitties next one starting to get better number 4 is still a snot. Named the first super nice one snickers, he is a smart little one figured out how to open the dog crate they are in and that set the other two back a few days as I had to catch them in the garage they were biting mad but they are getting over it now.

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