Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I have another question on silkies. I took a close look at my cockerels yesterday. I am guessing that they are about 4 months old. When I spread out their wings, they have a gap between the feathers. Is it possible they will feather in more, or do they definitely have split wings by this point?

If they have split wings, I am thinking at this point that they will become my first birds to process. Although, it looks like silkies are mostly good for stock. I'm not that big on making soup, but I love a good stock for chicken & dumplings.

Hmm, I don't think I posted about this weekend... I was going to drive to Portland and had a taker for at least one of the boys, but my son decided that he was going to resist every single thing that morning and I had to stay home. I was not a happy camper on Saturday.


have you ever butchered a silkie? they have black skin and bones. It makes a gray broth. It tastes good but it doesn't look all that great.
Okay WA folks, I live in Tacoma, WA and got my chicks in September, they still haven't laid their first egg yet. Anyone else in the same boat?

The average is "about" 21 weeks /6 months. And due to when they started I would guess about March /April before ya see eggs. REMEMBER 3 very important things. A watched pot never boils. Watched eggs never hatch and a watched hen never lays eggs !!!!
The average is "about" 21 weeks /6 months. And due to when they started I would guess about March /April before ya see eggs. REMEMBER 3 very important things. A watched pot never boils. Watched eggs never hatch and a watched hen never lays eggs !!!!

You can say that again! Let me tell you - if I'm anywhere near the coop, or cleaning the coop and Rhodie is trying to lay an egg, she will quit, and, boy, will I hear about it. So will my neighbors. LOL!

The average is "about" 21 weeks /6 months. And due to when they started I would guess about March /April before ya see eggs. REMEMBER 3 very important things. A watched pot never boils. Watched eggs never hatch and a watched hen never lays eggs !!!!

Hey CR.... by any chance did you mean 24 weeks / 6 months, or is that a range of 21 weeks to 6 months? Not trying to be picky, just hoping to clarify. Don't want to confuse a newbie.
My entire flock of 12 started laying between the ages of 19.5 weeks- 23weeks. But they also started during the most light of the year I think; it would be hard pressed for a 20 week pullet to be anywhere near laying at this time of year.
I live in tacoma mine all started at 4 to 5 months old laying eggs BUT I also have the "daylight" 100 watt bulb in their house with a timer on it. It turns on a 3pm and turns off at 8pm. so they get daylight from sun up til 8 at night. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be getting any eggs right now. I know some chickens don't like to lay eggs in winter at all.
Too funny! Blackie and Latte being left out in the chicken tractor last night must have left a lasting impression. I let them out to free-range while I cleaned up the rest of the poo in the yard. It was dark. They went over to the sliding glass door to look in. I figured they'd sit there until I was ready to ask DH to help me catch them. Suddenly I hear a loud squawking commotion. I rush over and discovered that Blackie had decided to nestle himself between two buckets that were up against the side of the house. Latte must have thought that was a good idea, so she decided to roost on top of him! Latte was looking up at me as proud as can be and she let me pick her up. Got her into the coop easy peasy. Went back thinking Blackie was going to be difficult to catch - nope - he was face down with his head hiding between the bucket and the wall whimpering. I was able to pick him up easy, too. Poor boy. The little lady is beginning to wear the pants in the family. LOL!
I believe my three girls started laying around 21 weeks - right on target. They hatched earlier in the spring - in April. I wouldn't be surprised if the time of year they hatched plays a part in when they start to lay.

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