Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

oh HOORAH! Washington chicken lovers! I found you! Soon to be new chicken mommy... so excited... I'm in south-east Washington on the edge of the beautiful Columbia River Gorge.
Hello! Welcome!

Chicks due to hatch tomorrow. I'm checking the 4 in the incubator to see if there are any pips and no... But! I did take a photo yesterday to see if they had changed position at all to indicate they were rolling on their own and one is very definitely in a new spot! Was it the chick or earth tremor that made it move? The suspense is killing me here.

Can't watch them today though. I'm heading off to the theater for Little Shop of Horrors rehearsal and then hosting a spaghetti dinner/wine tasting fundraiser at the shop so I'll be there cooking and serving most of the night.

If those chicks hatch while I'm gone they're going to miss seeing the giant mama with her face pressed against the window now.

Come on chicks... open, open, open!

Quote: Mine were both 36 hours.

Not to mention two weeks late.

And enormous (10.5 lbs).
Woah, that's a healthy baby! Poor Mama! My first was the biggest 8lb7oz, they got smaller from there. My daughter (the youngest) was 5lb 15.5oz and they wanted to keep us there because she was under 6lbs.......by half an ounce.... DFH's side of the family have very small women (his 18 year old sister, who eats like a pig is size 00) and we could tell she was healthy, so to home we went, with them raising a fuss about it the whole way to the door. She is VERY healthy, and VERY ornery!!!
Quote: Oh wow! You had a big healthy baby too!!! I had a second P/T job as a waitress in a nice steakhouse and was working when I went into labor! Serving tables is a "hussle your butt" job and all the regulars were so excited when they realized that I was having the baby!

every now and then you come across a thread worth sharing

this one is a gem

That is so cool! Thanks for sharing, pins and needles waiting to see what happens and what is in the egg!

FARMIN MOMMA!!! Again with the great pictures!!! Love the eyelid-grabber, like "here, you've got somethin....oh, nope, that's your eyeball"!!
At the show I forgot to tell ya that one of the BCM chicks that I got from you, has this weird webbed, curled deformed toe thing going on. It is no big deal, she has no problem getting around and no one picks on her for it. I just thought I would let ya know. I still can't believe how big they are. My chicks were hatched the 2nd of January and those from you were sometime in December. They are not that far apart in age and yet the BMCs are soooo much bigger.
Sorry I had no idea. I guess I hadn't really looked close enough. What can I do to make this right with you? I want to make sure that you (actually everybody) is happy with any birds they get from me. Please let me know how I can correct this issue.
I'm cooking with our backyard eggs for the first time! The yolks are so orange! I'm making two orange pies in oreo cookie crusts for my birthday(which is tomorrow). :D The filling is such a pretty color.
ugh..I gathered eggs this morning, sat them down to do some other chicken related task and forgot about them. Remembered an hour later and found them smashed up on the patio, uneaten. At least *eat* them if you're going to smash them. I left them in a place that normally the chickens don't go, so I think some crows did it. 5 whole eggs.

JennS, Imp and friend, and I went to Rainwolf's place yesterday to help her clean up her back yard. I had to leave early because I wasn't feeling well, but I think we got some stuff done. Her mom made a lovely lunch. I wish I could have stayed longer!

For the first time I didn't secure my chickens last night. I was so sick, and I know I went out to the coop with DD ~ DD shut the pop door going to the run and shut the run door, I thought I shut the human door but must not have latched it. I woke up to all 8 hens waiting outside the house back door bocking and complaining~they couldn't get to their food in the run. That's when I screwed up with the eggs.

Now DH is sick. DD was sick Wednesday. We're dropping like flies.
Hey CR, I is makin yer S&S Roadkill for dinner tonight. I gots a friend comin over who is starting chickens and wants to see what needs done. So I said bring the fam and we'll eat Roadkill. She laughed until I explained what it is. Nomnomnom

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