Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Well today I pretty much finished the coop and enclosure for the chicks.  It's been an interesting exercise.  I carved out an area that is the run for my hens.  The big dog house is now sitting under an apple tree and I made fences that have 2 layers that are 6-8 inches apart so nobody from either side of the fence is going to poking their head where it doesn't belong.  The overhead protection against hawk attackes was the biggest challenge.  I can't cover an area that has an apple tree growing in it, but worrying about a hawk cruising in and nabbing a couple of little chicks isn't on my agenda either.  So I used the bird netting I already had and tied it to branches and fences with string as best I could.  It looks messy but covers most of the area, high enough that DH and I won't be decapitating ourselves if we're careful.  The bit of open air that remained has a few CDs hung from the tree to (hopefully) scare any hawks away.  I sure hope it works!

The chicks were out there until 7:30 but they didn't go inside their coop except to eat.  Earlier I put their food inside their coop hoping they'd get acquainted with their new home.  It was funny because for several hours they refused to go in even to eat.  When they got really hungry I put some of their wet chick feed on my finger and lured one of the hungry little buggers inside.  They were hungry enough they finally hopped in and chowed down.  It was pretty funny!  Later they went in and out like it was no big deal.  But they didn't understand that they were supposed to go in there at dusk.  I guess I'll have to put them in there myself until they get the idea, right?   And will I have to teach them to use the perch that's in there, too?   Although they hop onto the perch that's in the indoor pen, and they nap there, they spend the night on the floor in a huddle. 

How do others teach these basics to their hand-raised chicks?  Or do they figure it out on their own? 

Is anyone putting 5-week old chicks outside yet without any heat???  

Any younger than 5-weeks? 


Carolyn- this works!! http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/07/coop-training-chickens.html

and my mama hen left her babies when the youngest was 5weeks old to the day and ths was 2 weeks ago already. She's fine! They'll huddle for warmth and do just fine.

Jessica....  thanks for the link.  The dog house I'm using for their coop doesn't have any windows so they'd be in the dark all that time.  I wonder how that would affect them. 

I was thinking about your little ones being abandoned... didn't the hen "mother" them at night for a while?   I thought I read that, but my memory is full of holes! 

BTW, I love the pics you've posted lately... such a photogenic family!

Thank you Carolyn, my children are cute...and they know it! LOL I'm probably a little biased though ;) Lucy only covered them on the roost for 3 nights and then the babies went somewhere else and stopped struggling to get underneath her. In fact, I just found out this morning when I went to get water for the chicks out there that they are sleeping outside, in the rafters of the run! Not good...they're secure but having rouse a lot of energy to stay warm I'm sure! The run is covered but open on all sides to the elements. I will have to stop the supplemental lighting in the evenings and start roost training them after dark now. The way you do that is just to move them in the dark to the roost for as long as it takes for them to start roosting all by themselves.
When we first moved to this house, the dogs would get out about once a month. We couldn't figure out how until one day, I noticed the meter reader walking down the drive way. Light bulb moment. The spring fixed that problem.
Yep. My meter reader opens one of our gates and used to leave it open. I now have big ugly orange "Please close gate' signs. Now if only I could get my DH to close the gates.

A few days ago he left a gate open for a couple of hours, and I found 6 of my 8 hens just hanging out in the back yard, near the gate but not out of the yard. They're good girls ;)
I have an egg in the incubator that seems to be struggling. it has had a good size whole in the shell since about 10 last night and is still moving, but not making progress. at what point if ever do you help.

Roosting chickens; call it beginners luck but I prefer to call it instinct by them. After the brooder, I put them in the coop for several days, then opened the door for them, shooed them outside through the door with their food and water put outside in the run for them.

One or two seemed a tad confused at sundown on where to go, I put them on the ramp and gently nudged them into the coop and closed the door until the next morning. Same drill 2nd day. After day 3, no more problems but some were still sleeping on the floor of the coop. I let them be and by the end of the week all were roosting on the roosts.

My girls weren't chicks at this time, they were fully feathered and about 6 weeks old if my memory is right. (can't count on that anymore lol)
I have an egg in the incubator that seems to be struggling.  it has had a good size whole in the shell since about 10 last night and is still moving, but not making progress.  at what point if ever do you help.


What day is it? I always kept door shut until day 23, if they weren't out, don't help them out as there is usually a reason for it and it will only create weakness in your future birds by weakening the genetic line.
I worked at the goat dairy on Saturday, and it was amazing!

Most satisfying day I've had in the longest time. I want a goat badly!

I got to meet Eliz who is an absolute gem! Thank you Eliz for the beautimus eggs! I set 30 Rose Comb Ancona eggs on Sunday.

Hope everyone is well!
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Here are some ideas, most of us have seen some of these b4 but if you're like me, I need reminding from time to time. lol


I like the clothespin idea but use a pocket comb to hold small brads.
Hey thanks Mikey- there's some great ideas there! LOVE the bacon pancakes- gotta try that!
Having an IT guy at my house- love the way to store tangled cords and cables in TP rolls- going to get some rolls RIGHT NOW before they hit the wood stove.

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