Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Let's see. Wheelbarrow: Chicken tractor for your silkies, flower planter, pond for your ducks, portable BBQ or small bond fire holder, there must be more for a wheel barrow. TV stand, Tomato cage with the wire, portable coffee table, kids ride.... Oh come on CR
Or the back of a large turtle when upside down..
Quote: Love this! Great idea!
Quote: Oh I hope this gets fixed! Where will you put all those babies.

Just popping in, I'm all caught up like usual but simply have nothing to say lately. Chicks are growing fast and the 12 day olds are already off heat for two 2 hour sessions per day. The outside chicks are enormous at 7-9 weeks old and have been roosting alone without Lucy for over a week. Some pics, sorry I look like garbage, I started working out hardcore and haven't showered after my workout today yet. John had a stomach flu Wednesday and Isaac got it yesterday, but we've been otherwise healthy and had a wonderful Easter Sunday worshipping the King!

Sweet William fell asleep late this afternoon during a snack while momma read history to the big kids:

This is Cathy....Chatty Cathy. She stands amidst the dead looking sleeping bodies of her exhausted chickie flock mates, bored to death, peeping as loudly as she can and stomping their faces to wake them up:

Resulting in her boredom getting the best of me too:

If anyone needs me, I'm around, just quiet lately
I have two of those Chatty Cathy's right now! except I'm pretty sure there Chatty-Chucks...
Love the pics!

Murphys law struck me yesterday. I posted my silkie chicks on Craig's list then I went to check on the chicks and one is acting funny like he doesn't feel well. This morning found one dead and another dying. So I down the ad.

I put the dead chick in a bag in the garbage and my dog brought it back to the chick room.
Yikes! Sorry for your loss... You have a very good retriever tho.

Quote: What are these?
the electrician comes later today, and I hope to get the power in the shop and brood buildings either tonight or tomorrow. I will post pics of my incubators, brooders, and brood buildings after we get things back up and chicks settled.
Hi everyone, I have been having computer troubles, and troubles with my daughter. Then the poop hit the fan this past week. My dearest daughter was drinking, and her soon to be ex-husband called me for help. Before the evening was out my DD was arrested. She had been planning on going into a rehab center the following morning, and so I have spent a good deal of this week, getting her out of jail, and into rehab.

If that wasn't enough, I was already committed to going to Des Monies IA on Tuesday, to pick up our new Komondor puppy. Ava aka Eva has been the very best part of this week. She is now a service dog in training. She flew home with me in the planes cabin, and was completely calm, and content to lay quietly under the seat and at my feet. At 12 weeks old she is still a bit of a idiot on the leash, but she is already getting much better. She had never even been in a car until Tuesday, but by yesterday afternoon she had learned to getting into the car by herself. My DH and I are head over heals in love with her.

What I really need to mention to anyone interested in meat birds this year is, I am going to order birds this weekend. Does anyone want to share on the order of meat birds? Classes for freezer camp will be held over about 3 days approximately 8 weeks later. This would be free to anyone that shares in the order, or for anyone from this thread that would just want to observe. I will be following the thread for the next few days, so either PM me, or e-mail me @ [email protected]
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