Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

[COLOR=0000CD]Any tips on getting my turkey poults to eat? I keep dunking their beaks in the feed... [/COLOR]
I just dont want them to dye again this year....
I had my 2 with chicks since they show the ding dongs what to do! Granted I still lost one two weeks later, so I'm no expert!
I have a little question.....

I know it is normal to have a meat spot or blood spot in an egg once in a while, right. Ok, but when I was cracking eggs for dinner tonight (breakfast for dinner) I cracked open one and it was half blood. Any ideas why?????? Should I be worried???
Have you tried wet feed yet? I use SO MUCH LESS now, and I still keep some dry in the crate for day time nibbles, but with the wet twice a day they don't seem to be eating as much dry. My girls are also getting grass twice a day, so they are filling up with wet feed and grass twice a day. The dry seems to just sit in the crate, or they spill a little then scratch in the shredded paper.
I just switched to wet feed today. Hopefully it will do better.
Wow! we just went through a Thunder and Lighting storm with Flash flood warnings, horizontal rain like thrown from a bucket and howling winds. We did not have any damage, that we can see from the house, still raining hard out there.
I have a little question.....

I know it is normal to have a meat spot or blood spot in an egg once in a while, right. Ok, but when I was cracking eggs for dinner tonight (breakfast for dinner) I cracked open one and it was half blood. Any ideas why?????? Should I be worried???
Do you have a rooster? It's possible that the egg was starting to develop an embryo.

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