Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

ok so the four chicks that we hatched from our hens this week are brooding in an old icechest in the house. I came home this evening and first thing was to check on the chicks. only three. one, two, three...... only three? hey, what happened here! Ryan! come here. what happened to the other chick?
He had it in the living room watching tv with him. he is 15. we have rasied thousands of chicks. he was watching tv with it. the smurfs. sureal.

on a worse note, the electrician stood me up. getting desperate to get the power in the shop and brood buildings going. feed due out this weekend and chicks due in tomorrow. any body out there an electrician. even better an electrician that likes pork or chicken.

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Hey, thinkin' (a dangerous pasttime for me) about that dang wheelbarrow. Brought to mind how my knees hurt at times and my back. This led me to think about bathing my dog and maybe a chicken or two. Why not have the water in the wheelbarrow, a chair next to it? No bending the knees and besides I like it when I can work sitting on my butt.

I can see it now, Mikeys wash station for doggies/chickens. A hose hook up with a shower nozzle, a bar to hold a towel or two and of course a cooler wtihh a couple of cool beverages. Yep, it is getting more clear in my crystal ball.
NO VEINS, NO HEARTBEAT, NO BOBBING HEAD...flatline...beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp...
I followed Pete's instructions too. Still hoping its alive...keeping it in my bator. (denial) I KEEP TELL MYSELF MAYBE GOOSE EGG NEEDS A BIT MORE TIME.
Oops...should have quoted...hope u find response.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Girl you are soooo awesomely crazy! That's why I love ya! Maybe it is the DUCK GODS telling you that they don't want no stinkin goose running around with their runners!!!! :plbb Just so y'all know......................
JB!!!!!!! Oh my goodness girlfriend!! You need to bring that adorable baby over and have some (or a lot) of wine!!!! :highfive: I am laid up for a couple months with this darn hip surgery so I would love a visit!! Oh I guess I should tell ya tho.....I moved. I'm out in Puyallup/Graham area now. off of 176th, behind the airport. But you should call me at least! Cell number is still the same! Miss ya! Sending you lots of hugs! :hugs
Hi there. Concur on the wet feed - love it, much less mess and waste. However, does anyone have a suggestion as to how to prevent chickens from getting dirt in their food? Mine don't want to eat their wet feed if one of them has scratched up some dirt/leaves/etc in the chow bowl and I find myself picking out any dirt/sand. OK, maybe it is me that doesn't like the mess they do to their food. I only have 4, and right now they eat out of a soup bowl hanging on side of run off a teahook. Maybe another type feeder would be better?
Hi there. Concur on the wet feed - love it, much less mess and waste. However, does anyone have a suggestion as to how to prevent chickens from getting dirt in their food? Mine don't want to eat their wet feed if one of them has scratched up some dirt/leaves/etc in the chow bowl and I find myself picking out any dirt/sand. OK, maybe it is me that doesn't like the mess they do to their food. I only have 4, and right now they eat out of a soup bowl hanging on side of run off a teahook. Maybe another type feeder would be better?
Sad to say, but they don't care. They will eat bugs, and worms, so a little dirt in their food is normal to them.

Not to mention, they will walk through their food, after walking in poop. Sick, I know, but they do. I would say don't watch.
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Hi there.  Concur on the wet feed - love it, much less mess and waste.  However, does anyone have a suggestion as to how to prevent chickens from getting dirt in their food?  Mine don't want to eat their wet feed if one of them has scratched up some dirt/leaves/etc in the chow bowl and I find myself picking out any dirt/sand.  OK, maybe it is me that doesn't like the mess they do to their food.  I only have 4, and right now they eat out of a soup bowl hanging on side of run off a teahook.  Maybe another type feeder would be better?  

Sad to say, but they don't care. They will eat bugs, and worms, so a little dirt in their food is normal to them.:barnie

Not to mention, they will walk through their food, after walking in poop. Sick, I know, but they do. I would say don't watch. :sick
My Belgians like to eat dog poo. It's completely disgusting. I chase them away but they keep trying to get back to it. None of my other girls do that.
I have a little question.....

I know it is normal to have a meat spot or blood spot in an egg once in a while, right. Ok, but when I was cracking eggs for dinner tonight (breakfast for dinner) I cracked open one and it was half blood. Any ideas why?????? Should I be worried???

It happens rarely. I've had three like that in the last two years. Two when I didn't have a rooster. Sometimes a blood vessel will burst when the egg is released and there is just enough blood to tint the egg white and make it look like the egg is FULL of blood.

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