Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi All... Love all the discussions today but I don't have much to offer so I'm just hanging out. All the talk of tea and cookies and clotted cream has me entranced! I need a transporter machine like in star trek!!

Hugs to everyone!
Miley came over today to help with assembling my 'coop/shelter' for the grow out coop.... It was wonderful having another set of hands, as well as someone to help me to keep it simple :)

Here's some pictures from today...


I still have chicken wire and river rock to add, as well as metal roofing panels on the bottom of the pen to further secure it... But the hardest part is finished.

The shelter is a pallet with shingles on top, the Bach is 2' high, the front is 3'.... The pen is roofed with cleat roofing panels, and 3sides if the kennel is tarped, so I just have to secure the bottom edge all the way around. I will prob add a low wattage red light for the first couple of weeks as I am putting them outside with the youngest few almost feathered in.... But I figure with no wind gusting through, the heat lamp, and many friends, the should be fine :)
OK, so I followed the advice that some of you gave for the wet feed. My chicks won't touch it. I don't know if I did something wrong, or if I have weird chicks. None of them ate it, little or big. The only one who picked at it a little was my Silkie roo, but even he didn't eat much of it.
I found it took 2 offerings before my girls really went for it. It has to be rather thick like oatmeal, but not watery. They didn't touch the watery feed I put down once. So, I put some dry feed in a bowl, add a little water, watch it soak up the water, add a little more feed, then a little more water until I have as much feed damp/wet as I want. I also used chicken scratch (crack) to get them over to the feed, then dropped some on top to get them to peck at the wet feed, then they just kept feeding.

Hope this helps. It might take a couple of tries with wet feed before they "get it" that this is now the food source.
Hi All...  Love all the discussions today but I don't have much to offer so I'm just hanging out.  All the talk of tea and cookies and clotted cream has me entranced!  I need a transporter machine like in star trek!! 

Hugs to everyone!

Me, I'm having "Flowery before the Rain" jasmine tea and Ak-Mak and wild mushroom brie, perhaps a little late for proper tea but I didn't get back from shopping until after five and had to deal with the sheep, the bantam, and pick up two eggs that weren't there at 2pm. And when the food settles a bit I still need to go out and check my pregnant cows.
I don't know details of adopting from them, and I'm not going to attach a link. [COLOR=FF0000](It's a little too close to BYCs "No animal rights" posts)[/COLOR] Although it is a rescue/adoption issue.

Russ. What is that all about?
I'm confused.

BYC has banned animal rights posts (for good reason: they devolved into flame wars quite rapidly) and Pasado's Animal Rescue is on the borderline between plain vanilla animal rescue organizations and Animal Rights with a capital P*

At the link is the full article with source links at the bottom.
It never ends the almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$ never mind the pain it causes others.

"I recently heard about the most astonishing corporate crime: the American company, Scotts Miracle-Gro, violated US federal environmental laws by manufacturing and selling poisoned birdseed for more than two years. The Scotts Miracle-Gro company entered guilty pleas to all charges in U.S. District Court and these guilty pleas were accepted by Judge James Graham on Tuesday, 13 March 2012. Penalties have not yet been determined.

The Scotts Miracle-Gro company, based in Marysville, Ohio, USA, is the world's largest marketer of lawn and garden care products which are sold under a number of consumer brand names, including Scotts®, Miracle-Gro®, and Ortho®. In Europe, the company's brands include Weedol®, Pathclear®, Celaflor®, Evergreen®, Levington®, Miracle-Gro®, KB®, Fertiligene® and Substral®. Additionally, Scotts is Monsanto's exclusive agent for the marketing and distribution of consumer Roundup®."


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