Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Well I'm happy. My remaining 9 big girls laid 8 eggs today! And there's still daylight out there. I never count before dark, they've been known to surprise me a few times with a late egg or two. I already cant wait for my pulleys to start laying. The first batch is getting big! They are from 8-9.5 weeks old. I also got rid of that cuckoo I mentioned yesterday, my friend whose other chicks I'm brooding right now is going to take that one too!
So, I got the chicken fencing attached to the trampoline, but now I have to figure out a way to secure the "door" so I can put the girls in and they won't get back out. Any suggestions?
Hey guys! I just set up my farmette page on FB. It is a work in progress, but would love it if you would check it out and maybe "like" it.

Look up Fanciful Feathers Farmette
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Wildly off topic...can't relate this to chickens at all...but it was a big event, so I had to share.
A few years back I was teaching in a VERY small 2-room school. I was very close to all my students and their families, but one student really stood out. Because of our set-up, I had her for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. I'm good friends with her mom, and the student and I just clicked. Several years later, when she was in high school, she was my high school aide for 2 years. She went off to college, and she now teaches my daughter's preschool class in my same building. Well, today she got MARRIED!!! (to another former student of mine, I might add!) My daughter and I went to her wedding. Absolutely surreal.

As my 103 year old grandmother said when I told her, "I bet that makes you feel OLD!" Thanks for the perspective, Grandma!


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