Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

:thumbsup I spect to sees ya stop by my booth. SPEAKING OF!!!!!! Please everybody remember that While I may be pretty much stuck to my booth for the entire show. I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have time to at least say Hi how ya doin. So PLEASE even if I look busy keep in mind that I spend MUCH time talking to people and even if I am working on a sale I ALWAYS try to make time to acknowledge ALL who enter my space and especially any BYCer's I know ! ! ! While my goal is to make a few $ And I may need to finish up a deal I am NEVER too busy for MY BYC BUDDIES!!!! See it is MY BYC BUDDIES who inspired me to even start doing this as a vendor. And to ALL of those who gave me that push in 2011 I say THANK YOU SO MUCH. And for all who have continued to help me keep going by purchasing my items.
Stopping by is 1st on the priority list :)
OK help I have 20 chicks hatched out of 27 eggs... I can 3 peeping out BUT my humidity is 82% I opened the vent plug but how do I lower the humidity? Should I open the bator and take out the dry chicks that hatched more then 24 hrs ago??? Please help I dont want to drowned the other chicks....
With your humidity so high, it won't hurt to take the dry ones out. If you want to take out the wet ones and cuddle them until they're dry, you can do that, too.
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Look for depluming mites.
TINY little specks that will burrow into the feather shaft....and then the bird will pluck it's feathers out trying to alieve the itch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~These mites are much smaller than our friendly neighborhood red northern fowl mite, and MUCH MUCH harder to get rid of~~~~~~~~~these buggers are smaller than a fine gran black pepper...

So, if I find I have these little varmints, how do I go about trying to get rid of them?
Quote: Honestly (Just my opinion) you might be surprised. My son, his 2 cousins, and the neighbor boy (2 six year olds, a 7 year old, and an 8 year old) LOVED going to the processing class with me last July. They thought it was seriously awesome to watch how chickens were killed and processed. I bet if you told your son that since it was a boy you were going to rename him "Dinner" until it was time to process him, he'd be fine. Let's let our little boys grow up tough; it's great to be tender hearted and gentle, but also tough! He would probably surprise you.

Quote: I know, I know. This was totally said with the best of intent as you know I like to worry about my bird, but because of this I know each one like the back of my hand. Her sitting on the roost when I entered the run was strange. Usually they all congregate around my legs waiting for treats any time I come out. I brought her in for an exam and she's not egg bound but her crop is not emptying. She is likely impacted from getting access yesterday to the side of the yard with super long grass. Her tail remains down when she's walking around for the most part, although she's been standing in the same place in my kitchen for over an hour without moving now; she just huddles with eyes closing sometimes. Something IS wrong. I'm glad I know my birds and didn't say this to make you feel bad CR, but she IS, indeed, sick or something and I'm not worrying for no reason.

So far to help her I've given her EVOO (about a tsp), a tiny syringe full of molasses, and some water. She won't eat or drink on her own so I'm just droppering water into her every couple hours. I just put her in a box and closed the top to keep her still. I massaged her crop downward and tomorrow I'll get grit first thing in the morning and recheck her crop. Anything else that helps a blocked up bird?

I have a rule of thumb so I could worrying so darn much. If one act different one day, I just keep an eye on her. If it happens the next day I check her out. If it gets worse I quarantine. But I usually find that some of my girls will have a lazy or quiet day once in awhile. Just thought I would throw that out there so maybe it will help you. It took me a couple of years to get there too. Just so ya know.

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